Definitive issue of 1920 – 45 para stamp

The 45 para stamp was printed in letterpress and perforated by rouletting (perce en scie). The stamp was issued on 29 September 1920 and printed in circulation of 4.993.800.

Print plates

Schematic drawing, a reconstruction of the print plate
Schematic drawing of 45 para print plate

The press sheet consisted of 450 stamps arranged in 9 panes of 50 stamps each, divided by horizontal and vertical borders. Press sheet was than divided into:

  • sheets of 150 stamps (3 vertical panes),
  • sheets of 100 stamps (2 vertical panes),
  • sheets of 50 stamps (1 pane).

Types and varieties

I SHS Slovenia 1920 45 para postage stamp plate error: The right shield with denomination damaged The right shield with denomination damaged. 1


    1. Fleck, Vladimir (1947): Priručnik Maraka Jugoslavenskih Zemalja, Book 1, Tome 6, Hrvatski Filatelistički Savez, Zagreb