20 kuna, brown – Hvar

Paper type: Intaglio paper Offset paper
Plate number: I II I II
I Big white dot on the sea just below the island and a colored spot below 36
II Colored dot on the shore (lighthouse) 42
III White spot above the sailing ship 12
IV White spot below the tree branch 31
V White dot on the sea just below the branch 43
VI Letter I in NEZAVISNA with accent acute 49
VII White dot inside zero in denomination 56
VIII Colored spot on the sea next to the frame on the left 60
IX Small white dot on the sea, next to the island 70
X Faint white spot on the sea close to the island in the upper left corner 64
XI A colored and a white spot on the sea 66
XII Small white dot on the sea close to the sailing ship
Another example.
XIII White spot with a color dot on the sea
Another example.
XIV Small white dot on the sea above the sailing ship 72
XV Colored dot on the sea above the sailing ship 78
XVI Two sport in the sea, one colored one white, vertically aligned 91
XVII Dark spot in the sea, next to the left border. 10
XVIII Dark area in the top left corner. 12
XIX A shade below the branch. 36
XX A flag on the sailing ship. 40
XXI A dark and a white spot in the sea. 45
XXII A boat nearing the harbor. 55
XXIII A thickening on K in KUNA. 60
XXIV Sun reflection in the sea. 63
XXV White spot left from the sailing ship. 77
XXVI Diluted color above sailing ship. 85
XXVII Two watery spots below the branch. 88
XXVIII Dark spot below top frame on left. 92


1 Colored spot in the sea and indentation in frame below letter H in HRVATSKA Croatia postage stamp error
2 Colored spots in the upper left corner. NDH postage stamp error