30 kuna, black brown – Srijem

Constant varieties

Paper type: Intaglio paper Offset paper
Plate number: I II I II
I White dot in the upper part on number 3 and white line below the letter K in KUNA White dot in the upper part on number 3 and white line below the letter K in KUNA 14
II Two white spots on the sheaf of wheat below Two white spots on the sheaf of wheat below 46
III White spot on the field between the bundle of wheat and the girl White spot on the field between the bundle of wheat and the girl 10
IV Thick horizontal line on girl's skirt above letters DR in DRŽAVA Thick horizontal line on girl’s skirt above letters DR in DRŽAVA 16
V Thick dark spot above the bundle of wheat on the left, touching the frame and two horizontal lines in the sky Thick dark spot above the bundle of wheat on the left, touching the frame and two horizontal lines in the sky 21
VI Two dark spots in the sky in the upper left corner Two dark spots in the sky in the upper left corner 30
VII White spot on top of the bundle of wheat, touching the frame White spot on top of the bundle of wheat, touching the frame 50
VIII Dark spots in the upper right corner of the image (the upper stamp) Dark spots in the upper right corner of the image 51
IX Black dot on girl's right palm (the lower stamp) Black dot on girl’s right palm 61
X White dot on top of the bundle of wheat White dot on top of the bundle of wheat 55
XI Colored horizontal line in the sky, close to the frame Colored horizontal line in the sky, close to the frame 64
XII White spot on girl's dress and another one on the wheat in the lower right corner White spot on girl’s dress and another one on the wheat in the lower right corner 71
XIII White spot on the bundle of wheat, close to the right frame White spot on the bundle of wheat, close to the right frame 73
XIV White spot on the bundle of wheat, close to the right frame Damaged lower left frame below letters NEZA in NEZAVISNA 91


Possible constant varieties (not mentioned in the literature)

1 Colored spot below the sheaf of wheat on the right side. The available example is printed on intaglio paper. Colored spot below the sheaf of wheat on the right side
2 White dot below the sheaf of wheat on the left. Croatia postage stamp 30 kn, Srijem
3 White dot on the sheaf of wheat (the upper stamp). Croatia postage stamp 30 kn, Srijem: white spot on sheaf of wheat
4 Indentation in the lower frame (the lower stamp). Croatia postage stamp 30 kn, Srijem: indentation