Definitive issue of 1919 – 2 krone stamp, letterpress

The 2 krone stamp was printed four times in letterpress technique by Jugoslovanska tiskarna in Ljubljana and A. Reisser from Vienna. Stamps were printed and sold in sheets of 100 (10 x 10). Details are displayed in the table below:

Date Circulation Paper types Colors Perforation
19 April 1919 (Ljubljana) 1.002.950 Thin white smooth paper
  • blue
  • dark blue
  • 11½, perforation holes filled with gum
September 1919 (Ljubljana) 2.000.000 Smooth white or yellowish paper
  • various shades of blue
  • rouletting perforation (perce en scie)
10 December 1919 (Vienna) 2.500.000 Various low quality white paper types: from thin to thick
  • blue
  • deep blue
  • 11
  • 11½
12 April 1920 (Ljubljana) 459.800 Smooth white or yellowish
  • blue
  • deep blue
  • 11½

Constant varieties

Note: smaller constant varieties are present on nearly all stamps in a pane, which enables a persistent collector to reconstruct a pane. An extensive study of this value was conducted by Mr. Franc Klemenčič of the Ivan Vavpotič Philatelic Society. All varieties are presented here:

In the table below are presented only prominent plate flaws.

I Wing of first falcon touches inner oval frame, curve on letter Љ in КРАЉЕВИНА interrupted.
Field №: 2 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
II Multiple long scratches over bottom left part of the design and clouds behind angel of peace.
Field №: 9 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 5,5
III Huge colored dot between letters L and O in SLOV.
Field №: 18 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 8,5
IV Long scratches in top left part of design.
Field №: 19 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: scratches spread from field 9 to field 19.
Value €: 4,5
V Long thin line on angel’s chin.
Field №: 21 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 5,5
VI Two belly buttons.
Field №: 22 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 6,5
VII Letter N in KRALJEVINA partially missing (KRALJEVIΛA).
Field №: 23 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
VIII White dot above K next to denomination value.
Field №: 27 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
IX Colored spot on letter R in HRV.
Field №: 28 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
X Line of angel’s right underarm missing.
Field №: 34 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 8,5
XI Line of angel’s right wrist missing.
Field №: 38 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XII SHS Yugoslavia Slovenia Chainbreakers specialized philately Loop of letter Р in СРБ opened, looks like СFБ.
Field №: 44 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XIII Long thin line above letter K next to denomination value.
Field №: 45 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 5,5
XIV Large interruption in oval frame, next to letters P and A in КРАЉЕВИНА.
Field №: 47 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XV Top right frame partially missing, letter Б in СРБ broken.
Field №: 49 Pane: fields 1-50
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XVI Long thick line over letters РБ in СРБ.
Field №: 51 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 7,5
XVII Numeral 2 flat on top, additional curve in top right ornament.
Field №: 63 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XVIII Colored dot on letter X in XPB.
Field №: 64 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XIX Line on letter O in SLOV, looks like Q (SLQV).
Field №: 70 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XX Horizontal line on angel’s chest.
Field №: 73 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 6,5
XXI Chainbreakers postage stamp error Hook above angel’s head.
Field №: 75 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XXII Top left ornament with a line (instead of a curve).
Field №: 76 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XXIII SHS Slovenia 2k postage stamp plate flaw Two long horizontal scratches on top right and bottom right part of design.
Field №: 78 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: scratches spread to fields 79 and 89.
Value €: 8,5
XXIV Two long horizontal scratches on top left and bottom left part of design.
Field №: 79 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 8,5
XXV Long scratch from letter H in КРАЉЕВИНА to letter B in СЛОВ.
Field №: 89 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 8,5
XXVI Additional thin line on angel’s pelvis.
Field №: 84 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 6,5
XXVII Letter P in СРБ deformed, looks like B (СBБ).
Field №: 87 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XXVIII Large colored dot on angel’s belly.
Field №: 91 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XXIX Top ornament white, letter K next to denomination value indented.
Field №: 93 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 5,5
XXX Numeral 2 broken at top, letter K indented.
Field №: 94 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5
XXXI Letter O in SLOV broken, horizontal stroke of numeral 2 indented (looks wavy), top right stroke of K short.
Field №: 95 Pane: fields 51-100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5


    1. Fleck, Vladimir (1940): Priručnik Maraka Hrvatskih Zemalja, Book 1, Tome 4, Hrvatski Filatelistički Savez, Zagreb
    2. Fleck, Vladimir (1946): Priručnik Maraka Jugoslavenskih Zemalja, Book 1, Tome 5, Hrvatski Filatelistički Savez, Zagreb
    3. Franc Klemenčič: Chainbreakers – Varieties of 2-krona stamps. Published in: Zbornik mednarodnega simpozija, 100 let verigarjev – prvih slovenskih znamk. Proceedings of the International Symposium, 100th Anniversary of the Chainbreakers – the first Slovenian Postal Stamps, pages 43-64. Filatelistična zveza Slovenije, Ljubljana 2018. ISBN 978-961-94002-1-0