Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia: varieties of postage stamps

1 April 1946. Provisional issue. Newly printed stamps of 1945 in changed colors, overprinted with new denominations in letterpress. Issued in panes of 100. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 December 1951.

2.50 din on 6 din, brick red
I, II Yugoslavia 1946 postage stamp types: Circular and rectangular dots in overprint Type I: Thick overprint with the circular dot.

Type II: thin overprint with the rectangular dot.

2.50 din on 6 din, brick red
I Yugoslavia 1946 provisional postage stamp issue overprint in shiny black color Overprint in shiny black color.
2.50 on 6 din, red
I A line of eyebrow interrupted.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
8 din on 9 din, orange
I Yugoslavia 1946 8 din on 9 din error JUGOSLAVIJA Horizontal scratches next to the letter G of JUGOSLAVIJA, to the lower left.
Field №: 2, 25, 79, 88 (?) Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: See also 9 din, deep plum of 1945, 9 din, issue for Zone B (Istria and Slovene Littoral).
Value €: 
2.50 on 6 din, red
I Numeral 2 flat on top.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
2.50 din on 6 din
1 White dot after 6.

(Note: 2 and zero in overprint deformed.)

2 White dot below T in FEDERATIVNA.
3 Poor impression of the right side of the design.
8 din on 9 din
1 White spot in front of 9.
1a Horizontally shifted overprint. Yugoslavia 1946 postage stamp error: shifted overprint
1b Vertically shifted overprint.
2 Missing overprint.

1 August 1946. For the construction of the railroad Brčko–Banovići. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 October 1946.

1 White spot on the blue-colored stripe of the Yugoslav flag. Yugoslavia Omladinska pruga stamp error

22 September 1946. Centenary from the birth of Svetozar Marković. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 22 December 1946.

1.50 din, green
I Yugoslavia 1946 Svetozar Markovic postage stamp plate flaw cigarette Straight line over Marković’s lower lip (cigarette flaw).
Field №: 73 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 

8 December 1946. Pan-Slavic Congress in Belgrade. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Perforation comb 11½. Valid until 8 April 1947.

1 din, green
I Yugoslavia 1947 Pan-Slavic Congress postage stamp plate error A white dot in the field above the letter S in SLAVENSKI.
Field №: 95 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: in one part of circulation.
Value €: 

15 January 1947. Definitive issue: partisan motives. Printed in letterpress, issued in panes of 100. The thickness of the paper varies. Valid until 31 December 1951.

2.50 din
Type I:

  • numeral 2 starts from a circle,
  • numeral 5 uneven at the top.
Type II:

  • numeral 2 starts from a circle,
  • numeral 5 flat at the top.
Type III:

  • line of numeral 2 equally thick,
  • numeral 5 uneven at the top.
2.50 din, red-orange
I Yugoslavia 1947 partisan woman with flag postage stamp plate flaw dots Multiple dots: on letter O, above letter K in DEMOKRATSKA, at the end of the horizontal line in denomination value.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: See also another example.
Value €: 
II Yugoslavia 1947 partisan woman with flag postage stamp plate wear letters not visible Letters VNA in FEDERATIVNA are barely visible.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
III The white spot between the rifle and zero in denomination value.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: See also another example.
Value €: 
3 din, red
I Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp plate flaw line in letter D Thin white line in the letter D.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on stamp overprinted FNR/ФНР.
Value €: 
II Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp plate flaw dot in letter D White spot in the letter D.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
III White dot connecting I and X in the date.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Another example 1, another example 2.
Value €: 
IV The bottom left corner is damaged.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Another example.
Value €: 
V Number 3 in 1943 enclosed, looks like 9 (1949).
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on 5 din, light blue
Value €: 
VI The top left corner is damaged.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on an overprinted stamp, ФНР/FNR (pink).
Value €: 
5 din, dark blue
I White scratch inside letter L in JUGOSLAVIJA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II A white dot next to the numeral 5 on the right side.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: See also another similar example, Issue of 1945 in olive green color.
Value €: 
III White spot inside the loop of letter P in ДЕМОКРАТСКА.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
IV A white dot between letters D and E in DEMOKRATSKA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example, also overprinted STT VUJA.
Value €: 
2.50 din, red-orange
1 The white dot between the second letter J in JUGOSLAVIJA and the letter N in FEDERATIVNA. Yugoslavia 1947 partisan woman with flag postage stamp error white dot
2 The large white spot on the letter N in FEDERATIVNA.
3 The short white line below the letter Н in ФЕДЕРАТИВНА.
4 White thin line over letter У in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА.
5 Letter L in JUGOSLAVIJA is connected to the bottom frame, the white dot between T and C in ДЕМОКРАТСКА.
6 White scratches next to У in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА.
3 din, red
1 White dot inside letter G in JUGOSLAVIJA. Yugoslavia 1947 3 din stamp error G in JUGOSLAVIJA
3 The white dot between the letters E and M in DEMOKRATSKA. Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp plate flaw white dot DEMOKRATSKA
4 The top left corner is damaged.
5 din, dark blue
1 The first letter E in FEDERATIVNA is in the form of a white box. Yugoslavia 1947 5 din E in FEDERATIVNA
2 Colored dot on the letter В in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА. Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp plate flaw dot on letter B
3 Big white spot on the letter Р in ДЕМОКРАТСКА. Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp plate flaw white spot over DEMOKRATSKA
4 The big white spot in the last A in ДЕМОКРАТСКА.
8 din, orange
1 Colored dot on the letter I in JUGOSLAVIJA.
1 Overinking. Yugoslavia 1947 Jajce postage stamp overinking error

8 June 1947. Commemorative issue: 100 years from publishing Gorski Vijenac. Printed in letterpress, issued in panes of 100. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 7 May 1947.

1.50 din, dark green and black
I Yugoslavia 1947 Gorski Vijenac postage stamp plate flaw above 9 Indentation in the top frame above the numeral 9 in 1947.
Field №: 53, 58 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
2.50 din, dark carmine, light brown
I Frame over “E” in “ВИЈЕНАЦ” is broken.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
1.50 din, dark green and black
1 The thin black line between the book and the right frame. Yugoslavia 1947 Gorski Vijenac postage stamp error black line
2.50 din, olive and dark carmine
1 Shifted print phases. Yugoslavia 1947 Gorski Vijenac Njegos postage stamp error shifted phases
5 din, blue and black
1 Double impression of black color.

21 April 1947. Airmail stamps. Printed in letterpress, issued in panes of 70 (10 × 7). Perforation comb 12:11½. Valid until 31 December 1954.

ENGRAVER’S SIGNS (letter G stands for Grujić)
0.50 din Location
Yugoslavia 1947 airmail stamp 0.50 din engraver Grujic sign Letter G above letter у in Југославија. Stamps with country names in Latin on top and the Cyrillic on the bottom (the left side of a pane).
2 din Location
Yugoslavia 1947 airmail stamp 2 din engraver Grujic sign Letter G above letter у in Југославија and u in Jugoslavija. All stamps.
10 din Location
Yugoslavia 1947 airmail stamp 10 din engraver Grujic sign Letter G above letter u in Jugoslavija. Stamps on the right side of a pane (inscription on top in Cyrillic, on bottom in Latin).
2 din
I Yugoslavia 1947 2 din airmail stamp setting 1 Yugoslavia 1947 2 din airmail stamp setting 2
Setting I and Setting II
Stamps of this issue were issued in panes of 70 (10 × 7). The country name Jugoslavija on top of the stamps in the first 5 columns (left side of a pane) is in Latin on the next 5 columns (right side of a pane) in Cyrillic. However, one part of the circulation of the 2 din stamp was printed in the opposite setting: the top inscription on the left side of a pane in Cyrillic and the right side of a pane in Latin.

15 June 1947. Physical Culture Parade. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Perforation line 11½. Valid until 14 October 1947.

4 din, blue
I Yugoslavia 1947 Dan Fiskulturnika postage stamp type The blue dot inside the letter А in ДАН.
Field №: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70. Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:

5 September 1947. Balkan games in Ljubljana. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 100. Valid until 4 December 1947.

2.50 din
I Small indentation on the top of numeral 2.
Field №: 92 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
1 Perforation error: shifted perforation Yugoslavia 1947 Balkan games stamp perforation error Yugoslavia 1947 Balkan games stamp shifted perforation

16 September 1947. Commemorative issue: Former Zone B (Istria and Slovene Littoral) becomes a part of Yugoslavia. Issued in panes of 100. Valid until 15 December 1947.

A. Both values
AI Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 2 din First letter A in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА damaged The first letter A in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is damaged.
Field №: 91 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 5 din.
Value €: 
AII Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 5 din First letter A in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА damaged on top The first letter A in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is damaged on top.
Field №: 55 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 2 din.
Value €: 
AIII Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 2 din First letter J in JUGOSLAVIJA damaged The first letter J in JUGOSLAVIJA is damaged.
Field №: 56 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 5 din.
Value €: 
AIV Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 2 din First letter J in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА damaged The First letter J in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is damaged.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 5 din.
Value €: 
AV Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 5 din Cyrillic letter L (Л) broken The letter Л in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is damaged.
Field №: 68 (?) Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 2 din.
Value €: 
AVI Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 5 din letter U in JUGOSLAVIJA damaged The letter U in JUGOSLAVIJA is damaged at the bottom.
Field №: 12 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 2 din.
Value €: 
B. On 5 din.
BI The damaged Cyrillic letter B resembles the Cyrillic letter Z (3): JUGOSLAZIJA instead of JUGOSLAVIJA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
BII Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 5 din letter i in Jugoslavija cracked The letter И in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is split in the middle.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
BIII Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp plate flaw 5 din letter L damaged at the bottom The letter Л in ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА is damaged at the bottom.
Field №: 100 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
C. On 2.50 din.
CI Cliches are misaligned.
Field №: 55 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
1 White dot below the first letter A in JUGOSLAVIJA. Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp error 5 din lower frame damaged
2 Spot above letter I in JUGOSLAVIJA (foreign object on the printing plate). Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp error 5 din
3 Multiple colored circles are at the bottom of the image. Yugoslavia 1947 annexation of Zone B stamp error 5 din circles

27 September 1947. Centenary of the reform of the modern Serbian language. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Valid until 26 December 1947.

1.50 din
I A circle next to the headstock of the gusle instrument.
Field №: 91 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:

1 April 1948. Fight against Tuberculosis. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 100. Valid until 31 July 1948.

2 + 2 din
I Yugoslavia 1948 postage stamp error tuberhuloze plate flaw The dot on the letter К in ТУБЕРКУЛОЗЕ, looks like X: ТУБЕРХУЛОЗЕ (the tuberhuloze flaw)
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 

28 July 1948. Commemorative issue: 80 years of Yugoslav Academy of Science and Arts. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 100. Valid until 31 December 1948.

1.50 + 0.50 din, dark green
1 The thin vertical line next to the denomination value. Yugoslavia 1948 Academy postage stamp error
2.50 + 1 din, brown red
1 Thin horizontal lines over the design. Yugoslavia 1948 Academy of Arts and Sciences postage stamp error

21 August 1948. Commemorative issue: Lovrenc Košir, the pioneer of the postage stamp. Pane: 25 stamps and 25 labels (5 × 10). Valid until 31 December 1948. Stamps printed: 200.000.

5 din
I Th circular spot in the top right corner.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
15 din (airmail stamp)
I Yugoslavia 1948 Lovrenc Kosir postage stamp plate flaw DJ instead of DU DJ instead of DU in French text on the label.
Field №: 18 Pane: link
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
II A stone on the road.
Field №: 21 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 7
III Lovrenc Kosir airmail postage stamp of Yugoslavia with error A stone on the road.
Field №: 23 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 7

8 February 1949. Commemorative issue: the centenary of the death of Slovene poet France Prešeren. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 50 stamps. Valid until 7 June 1949.

3 din, dark blue
I Yugoslavia 1949 France Preseren postage stamp flaw The dark spot between the branch and the left hand.
Field №: 28 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
II Yugoslavia 1949 France Prešeren postage stamp error collar A white curvy line on Prešeren’s collar.
Field №: 45 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
III The dark spot between the branch and the left hand.
Field №: 28 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Appears on all three values.
Value €: 
3 din, dark blue
1 White spot below numeral 9 in 1849. Yugoslavia 1949 France Prešeren postage stamp error spot

2 – 25 August 1949. The fifth anniversary of the foundation of the P. R. of Macedonia.

12 din
I A dot on the 5th sun ray.
Field №: 25 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on the airmail stamp.
Value €:

16 October 1949. Provisional definitive issue. Stamps of previous issues with partisan motives overprinted with new country name FNR JUGOSLAVIJA / ФНР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА in black color. Overprint in letterpress. Issued in panes of 100. Valid until 31 December 1951.

3 din on 8 din, orange
I Yugoslavia 1949 postage stamp overprint error Black dot above the last letter A in JUGOSLAVIJA The black dot above the last letter A in JUGOSLAVIJA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II Yugoslavia postage stamp overprint flaw Letter D to the left from denomination value broken on top.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
III Yugoslavia 1949 overprint error on postage stamp The top canceling bar is thinner and deformed, and the letter F in FNR is wider at the bottom.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: see also example 2, example 3.
Value €: 
10 din on 20 din, orange vermilion
I The left vertical stroke of the letter U in JUGOSLAVIJA is partially missing.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
0.50 din, brown
1 Inverted overprint.
3 din on 8 din, orange
1 Dots between letters F and N in FNR. Yugoslavia 1949 partisan woman overprint FNR JUGOSLAVIJA error
10 din on 20 din, orange vermilion
1 The second letter J in JUGOSLAVIJA is shorter on top. Yugoslavia 1949 10 din on 20 din postage stamp overprint error
2 The first letter J in JUGOSLAVIJA is damaged on top, and the letter D of the denomination is open on top. Yugoslavia 1949 partisans stamp overprint FNR JUGOSLAVIJA error
3 din on 8 din, orange
1 Offset. Yugoslavia 1949 postage stamp overprint offset error Yugoslavia postage stamp error offset
2 Shifted overprint. Yugoslavia 1949 partisan with flag stamp error shifted overprint
3 din on 12 din, lilac
1 Printer’s block.
10 din on 20 din, orange vermilion
1 Shifted overprint. Shifted overprint on Yugoslavia postage stamp
2 Offset. Yugoslavia 1949 offset error on postage stamp

8 December 1949. Definitive issue, provisional. Black overprint FNR JUGOSLAVIJA or ФНР FNR in letterpress. Issued in panes of 100. Valid until 31 December 1951.

2 din, red
I Letters FNR and IJ in JUGOSLAVIJA broken.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on green stamp.
Value €: 
12 din, deep blue
I Dot after the last letter A in JУГOCЛABИJA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on a stamp without overprint, stamp overprinted STT VUJA.
Value €:
0.50 din
1 Indentation in the top frame, top corners damaged.
3 din
1 Damaged letter A in JUGOSLAVIJA. Yugoslavia 1949 postage stamp Damaged A
12 din
1 The top left frame is deformed.
16 din
1 The top frame line is interrupted, near the letter N in DIN.
3 din, red
1 Letter Ф in ФНР deformed. Yugoslavia 1949 Jajce postage stamp error overprint FNR deformed F
Multiple values
1 Letter R in FNR is damaged. Yugoslavia 1949 partisans postage stamp letter R in overprint damaged
1 Shifted overprint. Yugoslavia 1949 postage stamp shifted overprint error
2 Underinking. Yugoslavia 1949 postage stamp error underinking of black color in overprint
3 Letters FNR damaged. Yugoslavia 1949 letters FNR in overprint damaged

15 December 1949. Centenary of railways in Yugoslavia. Valid until 31 December 1951.

10 din, lilac
I Dot to the left of the circle.
Field №: Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
II A bright line between the bumper and the left lamp.
Field №: Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
III An oval instead of a circle.
Field №: Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
IV The circle between the lines shifted to the left.
Field №: Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 

January-February 1950. Provisional issues: newly printed stamps with partisan resistance motives overprinted with FNR Jugoslavija. Issued in panes of 100. Valid until 31 December 1951.

2 din, green
I Yugoslavia 1950 Tito stamp broken frame The bottom frame is broken to the left.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II Letters FNR and IJ in JUGOSLAVIJA broken.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on the red stamp of the previous issue.
Value €: 
3 din, pink
I The white dot between N and A in FEDERATIVNA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II The top left corner is damaged.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 3 din, red.
Value €: 
III The white dot on the second letter K in ДЕМОКРАТСКА.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
5 din, light blue
I White dot above D. and after 5.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II Number 3 in 1943 enclosed, looks like 9 (1949).
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: also on 3 din, red.
Value €:
3 din
1 The last letter A in FEDERATIVNA is partially missing.
2 The white spot above Д of the denomination.
3 The white dot on the first letter A in DEMOKRATSKA.
4 White spot in C of ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА.
5 Letter И of ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА touching frame.
6 White spot on top of letter V in JUGOSLAVIJA.
1 Overprint omitted.
2 Offset. Offset error on postage stamp of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1950 postage stamp partisans overprint FNR JUGOSLAVIJA
3 Shifted overprint. Shifted overprint postage stamp of Yugoslavia 1950

27 March 1951. Anniversary of street protests against Yugoslavia’s joining the Tripartite Pact. Issued in panes of 16. Valid until 31 July 1952.

3 din, red and red-brown
I Indentation at the top of the flag.
Field №: 4, 12 Pane: example 1, example 2
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
3 din, red and red-brown
1 Vertical phase shift. The red-brown phase shifted downwards (the yearmark 1951 is closer to 1941), making the design shorter.

27 April 1951. Celebrating 10 years from the foundation of the Liberation Front in Slovenia. Issued in panes of 30. Valid until 31 July 1952.

3 din, red
I Yugoslavia 1951 postage stamp plate flaw dot on letter S in STANE The white dot on the letter S in STANE.
Field №: 12 Pane: Link
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
II Yugoslavia 1951 postage stamp White line behind Franc Rozman Stane's ear. The white line behind commander’s ear.
Field №: 29 Pane: Link
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
5 din, dark blue
I Yugoslavia 1951 postage stamp error Broken numeral 4 and both numerals 9 in both year marks Broken numerals 4 and 9 in 1941.
Field №: 5 Pane: Link
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 

16 June 1951. Airmail stamps. Printed in line engraving, issued in panes of 50, 100 din stamp in panes of 12. Valid until 15 February 1968.

1 Perforation error Yugoslavia 1951 airmail stamp perforation error

7-13 July 1951. Commemorative issue: 12th Assembly of International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) in Bled. Issued in panes of 50. Valid until 31 December 1952.

3 din, red violet
I Yugoslavia 1951 postage stamp plate flaw colored dot on the slope in front of the building Colored dot on the slope in front of the building.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
5 din
1 White line above J in JUGOSLAVIJA.

7 July 1941. 10th anniversary of the popular uprising in Serbia. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 60. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 July 1952.

5 din
1 White spots on the rebel’s head.

27 July 1951. 10th anniversary of the popular uprising in Croatia. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 50. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 July 1952.

5 din, black green
I A smudge connecting letters H and R in HRVATSKOJ.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures: 
Notes: another example.
Value €: 

9 September 1951. Famous personalities from Yugoslav history. Issued in panes of 50. Valid until 31 July 1952.

20 din
I Colored dot below the first 9 in 1949.
Field №: 35, 40 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 
II Big colored dot below the left eye.
Field №: 50 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 
III A bead on the left braid.
Field №: 5 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 

24 March 1953. United Nations.

15 din
I A dot between the knee and the dish.
Field №: 11 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:

10 May 1953. International automobile and motorcycle races in Belgrade and Opatija.

50 din
I A stone on the road above letter “Л” in “ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА.”
Field №: 4 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:

25 July 1953. 38th Esperanto Congress in Zagreb. Issued in panes of 30. Valid until 31 December 1954.

300 din, blue and green
1 The bottom inscription (country name) is missing.

6 September 1953. Commemorative issue: 10 years from liberation of Istria and Slovene Littoral. Issued in panes of 60 stamps. Valid until 31 December 1954.

15 din, dark green
I Yugoslavia 1953 postage stamp liberation of Istria plate flaw Broken shovel.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Also on the issue for Zone B of the Free Territory of Trieste.
Value €: 20

3 October 1954. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the First Serbian Uprising.
Issued in panes of 25 stamps. Valid until 31 December 1955.

70 din, multicolored
1 KARAĐORĐF instead of KARAĐORĐE. Yugoslavia 1954 postage stamp flaw Serbian Uprising KARAĐORĐF

24 March 1956. Yugoslav art. Printed in photogravure. Issued in panes of 50 stamps. Perforation comb 11½. Valid until 31 December 1957

200 din, deep blue
1 White line and a whitening around the letter L of JUGOSLAVIJA. Yugoslavia 1956 postage stamp Peace Augustinčić

10 July 1956. Commemorative issue: 100 years from the birth of Nikola Tesla. Printed in photogravure, issued in panes of 50 stamps. Perforation line 11½:12½. Valid until 31 December 1957

15 din, dark carmine brown
I Yugoslavia 1956 Nikola Tesla postage stamp plate error dot by Y Big white dot next to У in JУГOCЛABИJA.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 20

24 October 1956. Commemorative issue: Olympic games in Melbourne. Printed in offset, issued in panes of 60 stamps. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 December 1957.

10 din, dark carmine
I Yugoslavia 1956 postage stamp plate error Olympic games Melbourne damaged letter P П Damaged letter П in ОЛИМПИCКА.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 5,5
1 Foreign objects on the printing plate (?): spots above the swan’s head and between numerals 5 and 6 of 1956. Yugoslavia Olympic games Melbourne postage stamp error

1959. Industrial progress and capital cities.

55 din
I Additional window.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
Coil stamps for vending machines.
20 din
Types (probably runs):

  • Type I: The mountains in the back are heavily shaded; the gum is white.
  • Type II: the mountains in the back are lightly shaded, and the gum is yellowish.
Type I Type II

25 May 1960. Fauna of Yugoslavia. Stamps with face values of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 dinars were issued in panes of 100; stamps with face values of 55, 80, and 100 dinars in panes of 25. Valid until 30 June 1962.

100 din, multicolored
I Yugoslavia 1960 postage stamp plate error SUS SGROFA instead SUS SCROFA SUS SGROFA instead of SUS SCROFA.
Field №: 7 Pane: link
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 25

15 May 1961. International conference for nuclear electronics, Belgrade. Printed in combined offset and line engraving technique. Issued in panes of 50. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 July 1962.

25 din, gray, blue, carmine
1 Shifted print phases.
2 Word ELEKTRONIKE deformed in various ways. Yugoslavia nuclear electronics

10 April 1962. 15 years of UNESCO and international campaign to save cultural heritage in Egypt. Printed in line engraving. Issued in panes of 50. Perforation comb 12½. Valid until 31 December 1963.

50 din
I The thick vertical line on the monument.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 4,5



  1. Katalog poštanskih maraka jugoslovenskih zemalja (1991), Jugomarka (Belgrade), YU ISSN 0351-4447
  2. Michel Südeuropa 2005/2006, Band 2 (2005), Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-87858-682-5
  3. Specijalni katalog maraka F.N.R. Jugoslavije, II Izdanje, 1948: Filatelistički savez Hrvatske, 1947.