6 + 4 pf., green |
Michel № |
Field № |
I |
Colored spot on the left window frame of the right window. |
87 II |
43, 48 (A+B) |
II |
- Colored line instead of a dot below the ladder.
- Two lines above and one below railing line behind the mason broken.
- Upper right corner deformed.
– |
1, 6 (A+B); 51, 56 (B) |
Colored dot on the wall, top left from the large window. |
87 III |
4, 9 (A+B); 54+59 (B) |
IV |
Colored dot at the crossing of the ladder and top railing. |
– |
5, 10 (A+B); 55+60 (B) |
V |
- Lower frame of the box containing a brick trowel connected to the frame.
- Horizontal line left from the vertical scaffolding rod shorter.
– |
11, 16 (A+B); 61, 66 (B) |
VI |
Colored dot below side window above pile of sand. |
– |
12, 17 (A+B); 62, 67 (B) |
Colored spot on scaffolding rod above letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU. |
87 VI |
13 (A); 13, 18, 63, 68 (B) |
- Horizontal lines inside numeral 6 missing.
- Horizontal line above chimney ends before touching the left frame.
- Colored dot on the right frame, approx. 6,5 mm from the bottom.
87 IV |
14, 19 (A+B); 64, 69 (B) |
IX |
- Horizontal line right from chimney broken.
- Ladder broken next to the mason’s right knee.
– |
15, 20 (A+B); 65, 70 (B) |
X |
- Dot on brick trowel.
- Hammer edge broken.
- Additional colored dots below ladder.
– |
21, 26 (A+B) |
XI |
- Second horizontal line in 6 short (only a dot).
- Second horizontal line above downstroke of numeral 4 broken.
– |
22, 27 (A+B) |
Upper right corner lightly sloping. |
– |
25, 30 (A+B) |
- Colored dot on the box containing a hammer.
- Colored spot below the second letter A in WIEDERAUFBAU.
- Ladder broken next to horizontal scaffolding rod.
- Rearmost vertical scaffolding rod broken.
– |
32, 27 (A+B); 52+57 (A) |
Second horizontal line in 6 shorter. |
– |
34, 39 (A+B); 54, 59 (A) |
XV |
- Hammer handle broken.
- Colored spot on the lower right border of the box containing the hammer.
- Small colored dot right from the leftmost window.
87 V |
35, 40 (A+B); 55+60 (A) |
Colored dot on top of the box containing a hammer. |
– |
41, 46 (A+B); 61, 66 (A) |
12 + 8 pf., red |
Michel № |
Field № |
I |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU shorter.
- Additional tiny dot in the water right from the first pillar.
88 VII |
1, 6 (C+D); 51, 56 (D) |
II |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Horizontal line at the top left from numeral 8 broken.
– |
2, 7 (C+D); 52, 57 (D) |
- Serf on top of horizontal stroke of letter N in PROVINZ.
- White dot on the right pillar.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Line below numeral 1 thicker.
88 VIII |
3, 8 (C+D); 53, 58 (D) |
IV |
- Second horizontal line from top, between numerals 1 and 2 broken.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
– |
4, 9 (C+D); 54, 59 (D) |
V |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
– |
5, 10 (C+D); 55, 60 (D) |
VI |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Tiny colored dot left from the lamp.
- Water reflection below the bridge broken.
- Indentation in shading on the left pillar.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU shorter.
– |
11, 16 (C+D); 61, 66 (D) |
Colored dot on bottom frame below letter N in SACHSEN. |
– |
12, 17 (C+D); 62, 67 (D) |
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Dot on the large cloud slightly larger.
– |
13, 18 (C+D); 63, 68 (D) |
IX |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line from top, between numerals 1 and 2 broken.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU shorter.
- Horizontal line between plus sign and 8 broken.
- Dot (water reflection) below the first pillar missing.
- Top lower part of crane boom broken.
– |
14, 19 (C+D); 64, 69 (D) |
X |
- Additional dot in water next to the right pillar.
- Dot (water reflection) below the first pillar missing.
- Crane boom uneven at top.
- Tiny breach in first line from top between numerals 1 and 2.
– |
15, 20 (C+D); 65, 70 (D) |
XI |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
- Line below numeral 1 broken.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU touches the cloud with a dot.
- Horizontal line between plus sign and 8 thicker.
- Second horizontal line from top on the left side broken.
- Indentation and a dot on the left pillar.
– |
21,26 |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
– |
22, 27 (C+D) |
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
– |
23, 28 (C+D) |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Line below numeral 1 thicker.
- Tiny dot on the second horizontal line below letter W in WIEDERAUFBAU, close to the left frame.
- Right side of the second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU prolonged and twisted outwards.
- Upper frame slightly bent downwards at the top right corner.
– |
24, 29 (C+D) |
XV |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Dot (water reflection) below the first pillar missing.
- Missing dot below the first pillar.
- Colored dot between numerals 1 and 2.
- White dot in the shade below the bridge.
- Horizontal line below crane wire broken.
– |
25, 30 (C+D) |
- Vertical scratches between 8 and the cloud on the right.
- Colored dot on the horizontal line between the + sign and 8.
- The second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU deformed.
- Scratch on operators cab.
- Scratch on the hill below the bridge and the first horizontal line below (water reflection) broken.
- Colored dot below the second wooden pillar from the right missing.
– |
31, 36 (C+D); 51, 56 (C) |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Horizontal lines between 8 and the right cloud broken.
- The second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU ends with a twist.
- Cloud outline not touching the left frame.
– |
32, 37 (C+D); 52, 57 (C) |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Small indentation on crane boom.
- Tiny additional dot in water next to the left pillar.
– |
33, 38 (C+D); 53, 58 (C) |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Line below numeral 1 thicker.
- Colored dots above numeral 2.
- Dot on horizontal line between the plus sign and 8.
- Horizontal line below the bridge (water reflection) broken.
- Frame above letter N in PROVINZ uneven.
– |
34, 39 (C+D); 54, 59 (C) |
XX |
- Small dot inside letter P in PROVINZ.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Residue on the upper right corner.
- Colored dot below the second wooden pillar from the right missing.
– |
35, 40 (C+D); 55, 60 (C) |
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Line below numeral 1 broken.
- Additional tiny dot in the water right from the first pillar.
- Colored spots on the right pillar below the bridge.
– |
41, 46 (C+D); 61, 66 (C) |
- Additional dot on the 6th wooden pillar from the right.
- Colored dot on the horizontal line between the + sign and 8.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Line below numeral 1 thicker.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU longer.
– |
42, 47 (C+D); 62, 67 (C) |
- Horizontal line between numerals 1 and 2 broken.
- Addition dot in the cloud, next to the right frame.
- Horizontal line between plus sign and 8 thicker.
- Line below numeral 1 broken.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU somewhat longer.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
– |
43, 48 (C+D); 63, 68 (C) |
- Line below numeral 1 thicker.
- Right horizontal stroke of second letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU somewhat longer.
– |
44, 49 (C+D); 64, 69 (C) |
- Upper right corner extended outwards.
- Second horizontal line below letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU not touching the cloud.
- Horizontal line below letters I and E in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
- Horizontal line below letter R in WIEDERAUFBAU thicker.
– |
45, 50 (C+D); 65, 70 (C) |
42 + 28 pf., violet |
Michel № |
Field № |
I |
- Letter B in WIEDERAUFBAU damaged at top.
- Window lines above engine’s cab thicker.
- Additional vertical pipe on engine’s boiler.
– |
1, 6; 51 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 56 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
II |
- Line above gas hose broken.
- Vertical window line below numeral 2 in 42 thicker.
– |
3, 8; 53 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 58 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
Railing below numeral 8 broken. |
– |
4, 9; 54 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 59 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
IIIa |
- Railing below numeral 8 broken.
- Numeral 4 connected to ceiling line.
– |
? |
IV |
- Letters S and A in SACHSEN connected by a dot.
- The first ceiling line in the upper left corner not connected to the frame.
- Tiny colored dot on the line right from numeral 2 in 42.
- Line above gas hose broken.
- Window frames above the right engine broken.
- Line above the top railings broken (close to the right frame).
– |
5, 10; 55 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 60 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
V |
- Bulge in first letter S in SACHSEN.
- Window lines above engine’s cab thicker.
- Horizontal line below the hook (above the second engine) thicker.
– |
11, 16; 61 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 66 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
VI |
- Engine’s boiler outline left from the engine’s front window broken.
- Window lines above engine’s cab thicker.
- Indentation in top frame at upper right corner.
– |
12, 17; 62 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 67 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
- First letter E in WIEDERAUFBAU damaged in the middle.
- Line above gas hose broken.
- Vertical lines below the engine’s side window connected.
- Vertical window line below numeral 2 in 42 thicker.
– |
13, 18; 63 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 68 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
- Frame of the large window behind standing worker’s head broken.
- The first ceiling line in the upper left corner not connected to the frame.
- Colored dot on vertical windows below numeral 2 in 42.
- Colored dot between the first and the second shading line on engine’s boiler.
- Indentation at the lower left corner.
– |
14, 19; 64 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 69 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
IX |
- Vertical lines below the engine’s side window connected.
- Colored triangle between side rod and the first large wheel.
- Line above gas hose broken.
- Window lines above engine’s cab thicker.
- Top left corner flattened.
- Top right corner extended.
- Colored dot above railway symbol in the lower left box.
- Colored dot below the lower left box.
- Bulge inside first letter S in SACHSEN.
– |
15, 20; 65 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 70 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |
X |
- Bulge on first letter S in SACHSEN.
- Top shading line on engine’s boiler broken.
- Right side of the first letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU larger.
– |
21, 26 |
XI |
- Vertical lines below the engine’s side window connected.
- Line above letter I in WIEDERAUFBAU broken.
– |
22, 27 |
- Top shading line on engine’s boiler broken.
- Second ceiling line in the upper left corner not touching the frame, two bulges on the frame.
- Dotted line between two engines shorter.
- Letters E and A in WIEDERAUFBAU with dots on top.
- Finishing stroke of the first letter U in WIEDERAUFBAU shorter.
– |
23, 28 |
- Second letter S in SACHSEN thin at the bottom.
- Letters E and F in WIEDERAUFBAU with dots on top.
- Second shading line from the bottom on engine’s boiler broken.
- Top shading line on engine’s boiler broken.
- Ceiling line below the plus sign thicker.
- Ceiling line below the plus sign thicker.
- Bulge on numeral 2 in 42.
– |
24, 29 |
- Post horn broken on top.
- Indentation in numeral 8.
89 VII |
35, 40; 55, 60 |
XV |
Somewhat thicker top frame above numeral 8. |
– |
45, 50; 70 (A-4, A-5, B-2); 65 (A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1) |