Pane & field |
½ d, red orange |
I |
Letter A in POSTAGE deformed at the bottom. |
? |
II |
Large horizontal scratch above the right denomination. |
? |
1 d, ultramarine |
I |
Colored dot on right thistle head. |
? |
II |
White dot before the right 1. |
? |
1 ½ d, green |
I |
A butterfly left from the flower on the right. |
? |
II |
Dot above shamrock. |
? |
Dot above O in POSTAGE. |
? |
2 d, red brown |
I |
White line connecting diadem and shamrock. |
? |
3 d, dark purple |
I |
Letter R on the bottom control line (the “Phantom R” flaw). |
100 (?) |
8 d, bright rose |
I |
White dot on diadem. |
? |
9 d, deep olive green |
I |
Frame break above top right thistle. |
? |
1 sh 6 d, dark blue |
I |
A patch in Queen’s hair. |
? |
Pane & field |
4 d, ultramarine |
I |
Big white spot on the leaf. |
? |
Pane & field |
3 d, dark purple |
I |
White dot below the third letter E in REVENUE. |
? |
Pane & field |
3 d, dark purple |
I |
A bulge on the right tablet. |
? |
4 d, olive brown (noted also on bright red stamp of 1969) |
I |
A bump on dragon’s head. |
? |