Field number |
0.25 lira, grapes |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Angled line in the center of the lower frame connecting the frame and the grape to the right of numeral 5. |
57 |
57 |
II |
Thin line connecting the lower frame and the lowest grape (the left stamp). |
95 |
95 |
Thin angled line crossing the lower frame below zero in denomination (the right stamp). |
96 |
96 |
IV |
Letter V in SLOVENO deformed. |
2 |
– |
V |
Letters R and A in LITTORALE connected by a white spot. |
4 |
– |
VI |
Frame in the upper right corner damaged. |
11 |
– |
Letter R in ISTRIA distorted. |
18 |
– |
White spot touching right frame next to the letter A in ISTRIA and a white spot on letter L in SLOVENO. |
52 |
– |
IX |
Lower left corner damaged (I). |
53 |
– |
X |
Lower left corner damaged (II). |
54 |
– |
XI |
White spot between letters L and E in LITTORALE. |
59 |
– |
Lower left corner damaged (III). |
98 |
– |
Big color smudge touching the right frame of the 3rd stamp in a pane. |
– |
3-4 |
Apostrophe after letter A in ISTRA. |
– |
14 |
XV |
Colored smudge above the upper right corner. |
– |
18 |
White spot on letter L in LITTORALE (the CITTORALE flaw). |
– |
20 |
Colored spot connecting numerals 2 and 5 in denomination. |
– |
36 |
White dot between letters T and R in ISTRA. |
– |
38 |
Colored shades below the lower frame under denomination. |
– |
46 |
XX |
Letter L in place of the second I in ISTRIA (the ISTRLA flaw). |
– |
52 |
Letter T in ISTRIA distorted. |
– |
65 |
Dark smudge on the right leaf (the left stamp). |
– |
87 |
Big white spot touching left frame and connecting letters T and R in ISTRA. |
– |
88 |
Thick vertical colored spot between stamps on 92nd and 93rd position in a pane. |
– |
92-93 |
A colon instead of a dot between words LITTORALE SLOVENO. |
– |
94 |
Additional grape below numeral 5 in denomination. |
– |
98 |
0.50 lira, donkey |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Two spots in the water in height of letters VE in SLOVENO. |
9 |
9 |
II |
Brown dot above donkey’s right ear touching the upper frame. |
77 |
77 |
Brown dot on the lower frame. |
81 |
81 |
IV |
Brown spot in the water in height of the letter L in SLOVENO. |
– |
10 |
V |
Upper right corner damaged. |
– |
60 |
VI |
Big white spot on the second letter L in LITTORALE. |
– |
75 |
White spot in the upper right corner in line with the first letter L in LITTORALE. |
– |
90 |
1 lira, reconstruction |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Angled thin line over right side of the design. |
43 |
43 |
II |
Big colored spot on the left side of the design partially covering also letters O and V of SLOVENSKO. |
44 |
44 |
Two big colored dots in the upper left side of the design, left from the second chimney and close to the second letter R in PRIMORJE. |
49 |
49 |
IV |
White circle at the base of the column of the building. |
53 |
53 |
V |
Multiple small colored dots around denomination number and a short vertical line to the left from the showel’s handle. |
59 |
59 |
VI |
Big colored spot left from the worker’s left hand. |
64 |
64 |
Green dot below denomination number, green dot above the first chimney close to the upper frame, small dots next to the letter M in PRIMORJE. |
66 |
66 |
Colored spot left to the letter A in LITTORALE. |
69 |
69 |
IX |
Small colored dots at the base of the first chimney and a white spot at the base of the second I in ISTRIA. |
85 |
85 |
X |
Small dots around worker’s head (mosquitoes). |
86 |
86 |
XI |
Multiple colored dots over the center of the inscription ISTRIA – LITTORALE SLOVENO. |
90 |
90 |
Colored dot below the lower frame, central to the design. |
2 |
– |
Damaged left frame in height of the letters O and V in SLOVENSKO. |
18 |
– |
Green dot in the field in height of the letter E in LITTORALE. |
25 |
– |
XV |
Two green dots in the field in height of the letter L in LITTORALE. |
35 |
– |
Colon sign in front of the numeral 1 in denomination. |
51 |
– |
Colored spot to the left from the first chimney (the left stamp). |
71 |
– |
Colored spot next to the letter I in PRIMORJE, colored spot between the two chimneys, two colored spots above the second chimney. |
72 |
– |
Big colored smudge above worker’s head and the base of the second chimney. |
74 |
– |
XX |
Big colored dot in the field left from letters RA in LITTORALE. |
75 |
– |
Big colored spot right from the letters NS in SLOVENSKO. |
91 |
– |
Multiple colored dots stretching over the upper part of the design. |
93 |
– |
1.50 lira, olive branch |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Additional leaf in the upper left part of the design. |
13 |
13 |
II |
Angled colored line in the upper right corner of the design, left from the letters LI in LITTORALE. |
31 |
31 |
Colored line on the olive standing above the branch and a colored dot on the leaf above the olive. |
84 |
84 |
IV |
Letter O in LITTORALE with accent grave. |
96 |
96 |
V |
A whitening below the lowest leaf. |
12 |
– |
VI |
White spots on the upper part of the branch. |
25 |
– |
White circle in the lower right part of the design in height of letters E and N in SLOVENO. |
28 |
– |
Lower left corner damaged. |
41 |
– |
IX |
White spot at the bottom of the second letter I in ISTRIA. |
53 |
– |
X |
Whitening in the design left from the letters R and A in LITTORALE. |
72 |
– |
XI |
Whitening next to the fourth upper leaf. |
76 |
– |
White spot next to the numeral 1 in denomination and a white spot above the lower part of the branch. |
88 |
– |
Large incision in the right frame. |
93 |
– |
White spot below decimal dot in denomination. |
– |
1 |
XV |
Dark dot at the and of the longest leaf above denomination and a small dot inside numeral 5 in denomination. |
– |
14 |
Additional olive left to the lowest olive. |
– |
24 |
Lower left corner damaged, white spot on the upper frame next to the upper left corner, brown spot left to the top leaf.
Note also flaw II, common to both cylinders. |
– |
31 |
Whitening on letters S and T in ISTRIA. |
– |
50 |
Additional olive between the lowest two olives. |
– |
64 |
XX |
Letter T in ISTRIA distorted on top. |
– |
87 |
2 lira, Duino Castle |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Apostrophe after letter A in ISTRA. |
26 |
26 |
II |
Colored smudge above numeral 2 in denomination. |
46 |
46 |
Colored spot in the sea left from the cliff. |
71 |
71 |
IV |
Multiple spots in the sky above the buildings. |
19 |
– |
V |
Three small dots above the horizon. |
20 |
– |
VI |
Multiple colored spots in the upper right part of the design. |
28 |
– |
Big smudge touching the upper frame in the center. |
38 |
– |
Big white spot above letters SL in SLOVENSKO and a black dot on letter I in ISTRA. |
41 |
– |
IX |
Letters O and R in LITTORALE connected by a white spot. |
42 |
– |
X |
Big colored smudge above the inscription in Slovene on the 53rd stamp spreading to 52nd stamp. |
52-53 |
– |
XI |
Multiple thin lines in the lower part of the design, partially covering the inscription in Italian. |
69 |
– |
Big colored disturbance in the sky above the sea. |
77 |
– |
White circle on the plant next to denomination number. |
84 |
– |
Multiple big colored spots in the sky above the building and above the sea. |
99 |
– |
XV |
Horizontally aligned colored spots in height of the letter R in LITTORALE. |
– |
6 |
Big colored spot outside the design on the lower left side. |
– |
11 |
White dot on the first letter O in SLOVENO. |
– |
53 |
Color disturbance over letters SL in SLOVENSKO. |
– |
56 |
Airplane in the sky on the left side. |
– |
92 |
XX |
Colored spot in the sky above the central building. |
– |
93 |
4 lira, fishing boat it the Pula harbour |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Multiple colored spots in the sea between denomination number and the ship. |
3 |
3 |
II |
Colored spot in the sea in height of the letters N and O in SLOVENO. |
34 |
34 |
Angled thin line in the lower left part of the design, in height of the letter S in SLOVENSKO. |
41 |
41 |
IV |
Colored spot in the sea.
Note: there’s an additional plate flaw on the same position on the first cylinder pane. |
43 |
43 |
V |
White circle above the arena. |
47 |
47 |
VI |
Colored spots spreading over the area between denomination number and the sip. |
64 |
64 |
White spot next to the letter O in SLOVENO. |
82 |
82 |
Colored spot in the sea in height of the letters V and E in SLOVENO. |
84 |
84 |
IX |
Vertical thin line touching the lower frame below denomination number. |
85 |
85 |
X |
Prominent color disturbance in the upper right part of the design. |
99 |
99 |
XI |
White circle touching the star on the sail. |
5 |
– |
Multiple colored spots on the sail of the second ship. |
19 |
– |
Colored spot on the sail above the third crew member’s head. |
20 |
– |
White spot next to the first letter S in SLOVENSKO. |
24 |
– |
XV |
Big colored smudge covering letters T and R in ISTRA. |
39 |
– |
Colored spots covering the upper part of the design. |
43 |
– |
Three white spots on top of the mast.
Note: similar but not identical flaw on the same position on the second cylinder pane. |
52 |
– |
Giant colored smudge to the left from the inscription ISTRA, color smear on the right side, spreading to the 70th position. |
69 |
– |
Colored smear from position 69 spreading over the left side of the design, colored spot below the arena, white spot in the shade of the sail. |
70 |
– |
XX |
Multiple colored dots above the sail, thick curved horizontal line over the sail. |
75 |
– |
Multiple spots above the arena. |
94 |
– |
Colored spots between stamps on the 11th and 12th field. |
– |
11-12 |
Small white circle close to the star on the sail. |
– |
20 |
Big colored smudge above the head of the second crew member. |
– |
21 |
White spot between the sail and the arena. |
– |
23 |
Lower right corner damaged. |
– |
42 |
White spot in the lower right part of the design, touching the lower frame. |
– |
46 |
White spots on top of the mast.
Note: the same flaw appears on the same position in the first cylinder pane but the both are not identical. |
– |
52 |
Slight indentation of the upper frame to the right, next to the letter E in PRIMORJE. |
– |
68 |
White spot connecting letters T and O in LITTORALE. |
– |
79 |
White circle in the sea between denomination number and the ship. |
– |
100 |
5 lira, birthplace of Vladimir Gortan in Beram |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Thin lines running over the center of the design and over inscription PRIMORJE. |
5 |
5 |
II |
Dark spot above the roof of the central building. |
35 |
35 |
Thick horizontal line touching the door to the right. |
79 |
79 |
IV |
Thin sloping line in the upper left part of the design. |
26 |
– |
V |
White spot on the wall of the building to the left, in height of the second letter O in SLOVENSKO. |
33 |
– |
VI |
Multiple colored spots above the roof and below the denomination number. |
37 |
– |
Whitening in over letters ENO in SLOVENO. |
48 |
– |
White dot on the letter A in ISTRIA. |
95 |
– |
IX |
Horizontal whitening just above the roof of the central building. |
– |
41 |
X |
Two whitenings in the sky, just below the upper frame. |
– |
42 |
XI |
Thick horizontal line touching the door to the right, the door distorted on top. |
– |
79 |
Big round dark area in the upper left part of the design. |
– |
96 |
10 lira, Istrian ploughman |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Colored spot above the worker in height of the letter M in PRIMORJE. |
1 |
1 |
II |
Colored smudge close to the left border of the design, in height of the letters MOR in PRIMORJE. |
23 |
23 |
Curved thin line in the field below oxens head. |
30 |
30 |
IV |
Dark dot on the second letter R in PRIMORJE. |
62 |
62 |
V |
Dark dot on letter T in ISTRA. |
94 |
94 |
VI |
White spot on first oxen’s hoof. |
23 |
– |
Three dark dots on the first oxen’s body, designers name M. ORAŽEM underlined. |
63 |
– |
Letters P and R in PRIMORJE connected by a white spot. |
86 |
– |
IX |
Apostrophe between letters S and L in SLOVENO. |
– |
20 |
X |
A bird in the sky. |
– |
28 |
20 lira, shoal of fish |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Long thin line between the three lowest fish. |
1 |
1 |
II |
Colored dot behind the tail of the fourth fish. |
10 |
10 |
Long belly fin on the fifth fish. |
16 |
16 |
IV |
Colored spot above the fifth fish. |
28 |
28 |
V |
Horizontal colored line behind the tail of the second fish. |
47 |
47 |
VI |
Colored smudge below the tail of the second fish. |
68 |
68 |
Colored spot below the tail of the first fish. |
86 |
86 |
Colored spots around the head of the second fish, white spot in zero in denomination. |
98 |
98 |
IX |
Whitening on the body of the second fish (the left stamp). |
2 |
– |
X |
Whitening on the body of the second fish, lower left corner damaged. |
3 |
– |
XI |
Colored smudge above the fifth fish, colored dot below the tail of the fourth fish. |
13 |
– |
Upper left corner damaged. |
20 |
– |
Two white dots next to the letter M in PRIMORJE. |
51 |
– |
Vertical thin line over the tail of the sixth fish. |
61 |
– |
XV |
Lower left corner damaged (II). |
63 |
– |
Lower left corner damaged (I). |
65 |
– |
White spot on the tail of the first fish. |
73 |
– |
Indentation in the right frame next to the letters IST in ISTRIA. |
76 |
– |
Two thin vertical lines crossing head of the second fish. |
– |
14 |
XX |
White scratch above letter V in SLOVENO. |
– |
24 |
White dot on the second letter O in SLOVENO. |
– |
77 |
Dot below the tail of the second fish. |
– |
38 |
30 lira, railway bridge at Solkan |
1st Cylinder |
2nd Cylinder |
I |
Two colored dots in the water next to the letters S and O in SLOVENSKO. |
24 |
24 |
II |
White dot below letter T in ISTRIA. |
76 |
76 |
Colored dot above zero in denomination. |
89 |
89 |
IV |
Colored dot and a whitening next to letters N and O in SLOVENO. |
18 |
– |
V |
One colored and two white spots on the bridge. |
22 |
– |
VI |
Colored spots in the sky and white spots below bridge,s arc. |
25 |
– |
White spot on letter N in SLOVENO. |
30 |
– |
White dot left from the letters N and O in SLOVENO (the left stamp). |
47 |
– |
IX |
Colored spots on top of the bridge. |
48 |
– |