1 lira on 9 dinara, deep purple |
M |
I |
- in VOJNA left stroke of letter A broken at the bottom.
II |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE the final E broken in the middle.
- in UPRAVA letter R damaged below the loop.
IV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE the lowest horizontal line of the final letter E damaged at the bottom.
V |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter K with thick serifs on top,
- in ARMIJE letter A damaged to the left.
VI |
- in ARMIJE letter A smaller.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter J broken.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter J damaged on top,
- in ARMIJE letter R thicker on top.
IX |
- in VOJNA letter N and A broken,
- in UPRAVA the final letter A thinner or broken to the left,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter L damaged to the lower left,
- in ARMIJE the left base thinner.
X |
- numeral 1 positioned higher in relation to L.
XI |
- in VOJNA letter V damaged at upper left, left vertical stroke of letter N distorted or broken,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A damaged, dot on letter I.
- in VOJNA letters V and O damaged at the bottom,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S broken on top.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S distorted.
- in VOJNA letter A without horizontal stroke,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter V damaged at bottom, letters N and S broken,
- numeral 1 positioned higher in relation to L.
XV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE vertical stroke of the first letter E broken, horizontal strike of the final E broken.
- in VOJNA letters J and N damaged at the bottom,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter J damaged on top, left vertical stroke of letter N thin.
1.50 lira on 0.50 dinara, blue |
M |
I |
- zero in denomination placed lower relative to 5.
II |
- the inner circle of zero in denomination damaged on top.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE the upper right part of letter K prolonged.
IV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter v damaged at bottom, letter N and S broken.
V |
- in ARMIJE dot above letter I,
- the bottom horizontal canceling bar shorted to the left.
VI |
- in ARMIJE thin line above letter M,
- denomination value 1.50 positioned higher relative to letter L,
- upper left corner of the square, representing decimal dot, damaged,
- numeral 5 in denomination value damaged.
- in ARMIJE letter R thick on top.
- in ARMIJE letter A without bottom right serif,
- the highest cancellation bar to the left misaligned.
2 lira on 9 dinara, deep purple |
M |
I |
- in UPRAVA final letter A smaller,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE leter G damaged to the left,
- in ARMIJE left serif of letter A smaller,
- top canceling bar thicker on top.
II |
- in UPRAVA letter U damaged to top left, letter P damaged to right,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE horizontal stroke of letter L thinner.
- in UPRAVA final letter A smaller and distorted.
IV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter O damaged to the right,
- in ARMIJE letter A in the lower left side damaged.
V |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE left stroke of letter V slightly damaged.
VI |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters N, S and K damaged.
- in ARMIJE right serif of the letter A missing,
- numeral 2 in denomination flat on top,
- horizontal stroke of letter L in denomination thinner and rounded at the corner.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE left base of letter A damaged, letter K split in the middle.
IX |
- in UPRAVA final letter A broken,
- letter L in denomination thin and standing higher relative to the numeral 2.
X |
- in UPRAVA final letter A broken,
- letter L in denomination thin and standing higher relative to the numeral 2.
XI |
- small incision on top of the numeral 2 in denomination.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S deformed,
- horizontal stroke of letter L in denomination thinner.
- in UPRAVA the loop of letter P deformed,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE the second letter S broken,
- the bottom canceling line shorter to the left.
- the loop of the numeral 2 in denomination flattened on the right side.
XV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S broken at the bottom.
3 lira on 0,50 dinara, blue |
M |
I |
- numeral 3 in denomination damaged on top.
II |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE black dot under letter L.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter A damaged to the left.
IV |
- in ARMIJE top horizontal stroke of letter E pointing downwards.
V |
- in UPRAVA the final letter A damaged on top.
VI |
- canceling bars to the right damaged.
- the lowest canceling bar to the left side angled.
5 lira on 9 dinara, deep purple |
M |
- master die, no faults,
- numeral 5 in denomination placed lower relative to L.
I |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters U and G damaged at the bottom, letter S distorted, letters V and E damaged, letter K distorted to lower right.
II |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE upper right stroke of letter K twisted,
- in ARMIJE left stroke of letter M thinner.
- in VOJNA letter J thinner to right,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters O and S damaged,
- in ARMIJE letter A damaged to right.
IV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter E damaged to the top.
V |
- in UPRAVA letter R damaged on inside.
VI |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter J damaged to top, letters S, L and A damaged to bottom.
- in UPRAVA angled horizontal stroke in the first letter A,
- letter L in denomination rounded on top.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter O damaged to the bottom from inside, final letter E damaged to the middle,
- letter L and numeral 5 in denomination aligned to the bottom.
IX |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters N and final E broken,
- numeral 5 in denomination slightly damaged to lower right.
X |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter U broken to top right.
XI |
- in VOJNA damaged to base left.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter A twisted and broken to left.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE middle stroke of the first letter E detached,
- upper right angle of numeral 5 angled.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S distorted,
- in ARMIJE horizontal stroke of letter A broken.
XV |
- letter L and numeral 5 in denomination aligned to bottom.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE final letter E damaged to top left.
- dots (debris) between the second and the third canceling bar.
- loop of the numeral 5 on outside straight.
- in ARMIJE letter I damaged to base,
- numeral 5 in denomination slightly damaged to lower right.
6 lira on 0,50 dinara, blue |
M |
I |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE top and bottom horizontal lines in final E broken.
II |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE bottom horizontal lines in final E damaged to left.
10 lira on 9 dinara, deep purple |
M |
- master die, no faults,
- zero in denomination larger but aligned with 1 at bottom.
I |
- in UPRAVA final letter A smaller,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter J distorted to left, top horizontal stroke of final letter E pointing downwards,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A missing.
II |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE top horizontal stroke of final letter E pointing downwards.
- in UPRAVA frist letter A damaged,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters N and S damaged.
IV |
- in UPRAVA letter U distorted to top left,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters S and final E broken,
- letter L in denomination thin,
- zero in denomination value larger than 1 and placed slightly higher.
V |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters L, V and N broken,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A damaged,
- letter L in denomination thin, its angle rounded.
VI |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter K broken, final E distorted,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A damaged,
- letter L in denomination thin, its angle rounded,
- to zero in denomination value minor damage to right.
- in VOJNA letter J damaged
- in UPRAVA letter U damaged to left.
- in UPRAVA letter V damaged, final letter A smaller,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter K damaged to left,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A damaged.
IX |
- in VOJNA letters J and N damaged at bottom,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE bottom horizontal stroke of letter E thin and pointing upwards,
- in ARMIJE letter A without horizontal line,
- letter L in denomination thin.
X |
- in VOJNA letters J and N damaged at bottom,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE bottom horizontal stroke of letter E thin and pointing upwards,
- canceling lines fragmented, debris between the lines.
XI |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters S, N and final E damaged,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A missing, letters M and I damaged,
- letter L in denomination thin.
- in UPRAVA letters P, R and A damaged to base,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters O, S, N, S and K damaged,
- in ARMIJE letter J damaged to top.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters G and A damaged,
- in ARMIJE right base of letter M damaged,
- letter L in denomination minor damage to right.
- canceling bars distorted, second and fourth thinner,
- zero in denomination placed above 1.
XV |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE final E damaged to bottom left,
- in ARMIJE letter A thinner to the left, letter E damaged.
- in ARMIJE letter A thinner to the left, letter J damaged to bottom.
- in UPRAVA final letter A smaller,
- top horizontal line broken, third bar thinner, fourth bar fuzzy.
- in VOJNA letter O damaged to right,
- in JUGOSLOVENSKE final letter E damaged,
- minor damage to the left side of the top canceling bar.
15 lira on 0.5 dinara, blue |
M |
- master die, no faults,
- numerals 1 and 5 of equal size, aligned.
I |
- numeral 5 higher than 1, aligned to the bottom.
II |
- numeral 5 higher than 1 and placed higher.
35 lira on 9 dinara, deep purple |
M |
I |
- in VOJNA letter A broken near the right base,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter A damaged to top, letter N thinner to left,
- in ARMIJE minor incision to lower left to the letter E.
II |
- in ARMIJE top horizontal stroke of letter E pointing downwards,
- canceling bars thicker to left.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter O damaged to right,
- in ARMIJE letter I distorted, letter J distorted and broken.
IV |
- in UPRAVA letter U broken at bottom,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter O open on top, left base of letter N detached, final E distorted,
- in ARMIJE letter M broken at right base, top of letter I missing, letter J distorted.
V |
- in ARMIJE top left of letter M damaged.
VI |
- minor incision on top of numeral 5 in denomination.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter N distorted to left.
- lower part of numeral 3 in denomination pointing inwards,
- upper right part of numeral 5 in denomination damaged.
IX |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE minor incision on top of final letter E,
- in ARMIJE bottom horizontal stroke of letter E distorted and pointing upwards,
- debris between canceling lines.
X |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letters O and N damaged,
- in ARMIJE left base of letter A missing, letters I, J and E deformed,
- canceling lines unevenly thick, debris to left.
XI |
- minor incision to top of numeral 5.
- in ARMIJE top stroke of letter E thin or broken,
- numerals 3 and 5 aligned to bottom,
- small indentation on the lower loop of numeral 3.
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE lower left base of letter N damaged,
- canceling lines thicker to left due to debris.
- in VOJNA left base of letter N damaged,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE letter S damaged to bottom.
50 lira on 0,50 dinara, blue |
M |
- master die, no faults,
- 5 and zero in denomination of the same size.
I |
- incision to inside top of zero in denomination.
II |
- incision to top right of zero in denomination.
- in ARMIJE top horizontal stroke of letter E deformed, pointing downwards.
IV |
- zero in denomination positioned higher.
V |
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE top horizontal stroke of final letter E twisted and pointing down.
VI |
- numeral 5 in denomination is smaller than zero.
- numeral 5 in denomination is smaller than zero, zero positioned lower.
- numeral 5 in denomination is smaller than zero,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE top horizontal stroke of final letter E twisted and pointing down.
IX |
- numeral 5 in denomination is smaller than zero, zero positioned lower,
- in JUGOSLAVENSKE top horizontal stroke of final letter E broken.
X |
- numeral 5 in denomination is smaller than zero, zero positioned lower,
- top horizontal canceling line to right broken.