1945/47 |
1947/48 |
3 g. (Lermoos, Tirol) |
Field number |
738I |
Clouds over the mountains. |
55 |
838II |
Thin line on the mountain below letters E and P in REPUBLIK (the Chamois flaw). |
? |
Colored dot in the sky below the letter P in REPUBLIK.
(On the 1947/48 stamp also a white dot above the first cottage.) |
? |
IV |
A bulge at the bottom of the right frame. |
? |
4 g. (Erzberg, Styria) |
Field number |
I |
Colored dot above letter E in ÖSTERREICH. |
? |
II |
Colored spot below letter E in REPUBLIK. |
? |
Thin short horizontal line at the top of the ornament in the right frame. |
? |
5 g. (Leopoldsberg, Vienna) |
Field number |
I |
White dot below letter Ö in ÖSTERREICH. |
? |
II |
Horizontal red line over the design. |
? |
6 g. (Salzburg) |
Field number |
I |
Indentation at the top of the left frame. |
? |
II |
A dot on the mountain, below letter L in REPUBLIK. |
? |
A dot in the sky, below letter U in REPUBLIK. |
? |
8 g. (Praterallee, Vienna) |
Field number |
I |
A dot between letters R and E in REPUBLIK. |
? |
10 g. (Hochosterwitz, Carinthia) |
Field number |
I |
Colored dot above the first letter R in ÖSTERREICH. |
? |
745II |
White spot in the lake. |
? |
Colored spot on the river bank above the letter I in ÖSTERREICH (a line of ducks). |
9 |
IV |
A white circle in the lake, above letter C in ÖSTERREICH. |
? |
V |
White spot in the sky, below denomination. |
? |
VI |
Colored spot on the bottom left frame of the denomination box. |
? |
12 g. (Schafberg, Upper Austria) |
Field number |
I |
Colored dot below letters E and P in REPUBLIK. |
? |
II |
Colored spot on the inner left frame, below letter E in REPUBLIK. |
? |
16 g. (Gesäuse Valley, Styria) |
Field number |
749I |
Thin hook-shaped line on the mountain slope. |
? |
II |
Colored spot on the cloud, below letter U in REPUBLIK. |
? |
20 g. (A chapel on Gebhardsberg, Vorarlberg) |
Field number |
I |
Thin twisted line just above the cliff. |
? |
25 g. (Ötz Valley outlet, Tirol) |
Field number |
I |
Thin horizontal line above the church tower. |
? |
II |
Thin vertical lines over the design. |
? |
30 g. (Neusiedler lake, Burgenland) |
Field number |
I |
White dot below letter U in REPUBLIK. |
? |
35 g. (Belvedere, Vienna) |
Field number |
I |
Thin colored line at the junction with the right pathway. |
? |
II |
Colored dot at the center of the pathway. |
? |
38 g. (Langbath Lake, Upper Austria) |
Field number |
I |
Additional triangle at the top of the mountains (the Glacier flaw). |
? |
40 g. (Mariazell, Styria) |
Field number |
I |
Colored spot below numeral 4. |
? |
II |
Thin line in the sky below letters L and I in REPUBLIK (the Bird flaw). |
? |
Colored dot above the fence. |
? |
IV |
A smudge below letters B and L in REPUBLIK. |
? |
V |
Colored spot at the end of the mountain slope, near the inner right frame. |
? |
VI |
Colored spot on the mountain slope. |
? |
42 g. (Traunsee, Upper Austria) |
Field number |
I |
Thin vertical line in the lake above letter C in ÖSTERREICH. |
? |
50 g. (Silvretta Mountains, Vorarlberg) |
Field number |
I |
Thin sloping line below denomination (the Gondola Lift flaw). |
All stamps in the 10th row. |
II |
Half circle below numeral 5. |
? |
Colored V-shaped line below letter U in REPUBLIK (Bird flaw). |
? |
60 g. (Semmering, Lower Austria) |
Field number |
I |
White dot on the inner left frame. |
? |
80 g. (Kaisergebirge, Tirol) |
Field number |
IV |
White dots in the woods. |
? |
90 g. (Wayside shrine near Tragöss, Styria) |
Field number |
I |
Additional dot on the roof (the Nail flaw). |
? |
2 s. (St. Christoph am Arlberg, Tirol) |
Field number |
I |
A dot on the church tower. |
? |