Philately of Czechoslovakia, Hradčany: varieties of 100 h postage stamp

I-I Additional vertical stroke on letter T in POŠTA.
Field №: 25
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-II Colored spot in the second zero.
Field №: 39
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-III Colored dot on the right side of the second zero, residue next to the bottom left corner.
Field №: 44
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-IV A thick line on the right side of the oval holds the denomination.
Field №: 47
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-V Colored dot at the bottom between two zeroes.
Field №: 59
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-VI Colored dot at the left side of the second zero.
Field №: 66
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-VII 1. In front of the Č of ČESKO, there is a dot,
2. on the denomination oval, a dot at 11.30 o’clock,
3. dot at the left of the 3rd leaf.
Field №: 97
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: not mentioned, so maybe optional: top frame border is heavily damaged.
Value €: 1,65
I-VIII 1. Dot in front of the 1 of the denomination,
2. 1st heart is open to the right,
3. Dot on the sun at 11 o’clock.
Field №: 22
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65


Both plate I and II have the same flaw:
1. Š of POŠTA is broken at the bottom.
For plate I:
1. above the 4th tower, there is a beam with a dot at the lowest point,
2. there is NO dot in the wing of the left pigeon.
Field №: 86
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-X The top frame above letter A in POŠTA is deformed.
Field №: 81
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 1,65
I-XI – spot next to S and spot next to T of POŠTA
– denomination oval is broken at 1:30 o’clock
– dot next to the sun at 11:30 o’clock
Field №: 10
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XII There are just 2 flaws in this position:
– dot in the 9th leaf
– dot in 2nd heart
Field №: 17
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XIII Two flaws for this position:
– vertical line in 1st 0 of 100
– dot in the chest of the left pigeon
Field №: 36
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XIV Two flaws for this position:
– dot in the shoulder of the left pigeon
– dot in 6th leaf
Field №: 37
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XV Mayor flaws are:
– several small dots left of the 6th tower
– dot in the wing of the left pigeon
– dot between 4th tower and sunbeam
Field №: 51
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XVI For this position, there are 2 dots in the denomination oval, at 7 o’clock and 9 o’clock
Field №: 68
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XVII Mayor flaws are:
– dot in the 3rd leaf,
– frame goes inwards above E in SLOVENSKÁ
Field №: 74
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XVIII Mayor flaws are:
– a dot between S and T of POŠTA
– dot in the 9th leaf
Field №: 76
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XIX Mayor flaws are:
– a dot in the denomination oval at 1 o’clock and 9:30 o’clock
– a dot in the 7th leaf
– a dot on the sun at 1 o’clock
Field №: 87
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-XX For this last position:
– there is a line above the frame, between O and Š of POŠTA
– the grand arch is broken below the 6th leaf
– there is a dot in the tail of the right pigeon
– there is also a dot outside the southwest corner
Field №: 100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-I The frame above the letter P of POŠTA is broken.
Field №: 3
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-II A big colored circle left from the first tower.
Field №: 19
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-III White spot on the top frame, above the right ornament.
Field №: 22
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-IV Colored spot inside the second zero.
Field №: 39
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-V Deformed letter Č of ČESKO and frame above it.
Field №: 48
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-VI The white circle below the top right ornament.
Field №: 49
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-VII Colored dot in front of 1, large linden leaf.
Field №: 51
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-VIII Colored dot in front of 1.
Field №: 58
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-IX The frame above letter P in POŠTA is broken.
Field №: 60
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-X Colored dot on the right side of the second zero.
Field №: 66
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XI The white spot above the small bush, colored dot on the lower ribbon above the right-sided heart.
Field №: 70
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XII A white dot on the letter A in POŠTA, a white spot right from the large bush, indentation in the right frame above the letter Á in SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 80
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XIV White circle to the right from the large bush.
Field №: 83
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XV The top frame above the letter O in POŠTA is broken and the sun is deformed.
Field №: 92
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XVI The broken frame above the letter Č in ČESKO, vertical line over top right ornament, numeral 1 deformed at top.
Field №: 100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XVII In this position, we see :
– a white spot at the lower part of the 1st tower
– a small dot between the sun and the 5th tower
– the sun is open at 3 o’clock
– there is a dot between the 6th tower and the big branch
– there is a dot on the back side of the 1 in 100not mentioned:
the 1 in 100 seems to have a ‘drop’ on the nose
Field №: 1
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XVIII This position has most of its flaws in the leaves.
– Leaf 3 is open at the top
– Leaf 6 is open at the top
– Leaf 7 is open to the left (not mentioned)
– Leaf 8 is open to the rightThere is also a small spot in front of the foot of the 1 in 100
– The central sunbeam is short and thick
– There is a dot near the top of the central sunbeam
Field №: 10
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XIX For this position, there are only two small flaws:
– The 3rd leaf is deformed at the top
– The frame is broken under the foot of the left pigeon
Field №: 21
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XX Here we find:
– A dot under the frame, in front of the 1st heart
– a dot on the frame, above the K in SLOVENSKÁ
– The white part in front of the P of POŠTA, is partly coloured
– (not visible) 4 beams/spots under TA of POŠTA
Field №: 24
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXI This stamp is the same as position 37 in plate I.
Both stamps have a dot in the lower part of the 6th leaf.
However, where on plate I, there is also a spot on the shoulder of the left pigeon, on plate II, the spot is NOT there
Field №: 37
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXII The position of the broken hearts:
– Heart 1, 2, and 3 are broken in various places
– the first leaf breaks through the border between the K and the heart
– there are dots outside the northeast corner
– the inner part of the wing of the right pigeon is open
Field №: 62
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXIII For this position, there are two flaws only:
– the 5th leaf is open/deformed at the top
– there is a white spot between the 7th and 8th curvy line.
Field №: 69
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65



  1. Zdeněk Kvasnička, dr. František Kubát: Monografie Češkoslovenských Známek, Díl I. – Popřevratová doba, Prague 1968.