Philately of Czechoslovakia, Hradčany: varieties of 10 h postage stamp

I-I Linden leaf below letter P in POŠTA deformed.
Field №: 10
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-II The ornament in the top right corner is broken.
Field №: 69
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-IV A spot below the frame, under the 0 of the value frame. On the right side, a spot above the L of SLOVENSKÁ. The sun has two spots, one at the 2 o’clock and one at the 11 o’clock position. There is a spot outside the frame, left of the 2nd spiral. There is a spot in the southwest corner.
Field №: 36
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Both plates I and II have some common flaws: in the oval of the value, the frame has a spot at the 3 o’clock position and a spot outside the 0, at the 8 o’clock position.
Value €: 1,65
I-V Spot between 0 and oval above the 0. There is a small dot in the 2nd and 10th leaf. There is a small dot in the bottom of the 3rd heart. Small spot in the wing of the right dove.
Field №: 88
Other nomenclatures:

  • Not mentioned, so maybe optional: there is a dot in the bottom of the 1ste leaf.
  • all plates (position 88) have a white spot between 4th and 5th leaf. Plates I, II and III have a dot under the oval of the value 10.
Value €: 1,65
I-VI 1. A dot in the chest of the left dove,
2. a dot in the 2nd heart,
3. an irregularity in the top frame, between the A and the 5th spiral
4. a dot outside the 0 in the denomination value.
Field №: 12
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
I-VII 1. Dots on the outer frame, before E and after O in ČESKO
2. Dots on the outer frame, on P, T, and A of POŠTA
3. Dots on the outer frame, on V and S of SLOVENSKÁ
4. Dot in the lower white part of O in POŠTA
5. Dot on the sun at 10:30 o’clock
6. Dot on the outer frame, left of the tail of the pigeon, also below the chest of the left pigeon, and (not visible due to the cancel) on the southwest corner
7. Dot in the back of the right pigeon’s tail
8. (not visible due to the cancel) dot on the denomination oval, above the end of the 0
Field №: 49
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-I A white spot below the linden leaf below the letter P in POŠTA, a colored spot in the top left corner, a colored dot next to the bottom right corner, right frame next to Á in SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 12
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: the white spot below the 5th leaf, is common for all 4 plates.
Value €: 1,65
II-II A colored dot on the bottom right outline of the denomination oval.
Field №: 14
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-III A small white spot above the small bush.
Field №: 16
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-IV Large colored spot above the denomination oval, a colored dot in the top right corner.
Field №: 19
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-V Northeast and northwest corners are extended. The southwest corner has a spot outside the frame. inside the 0 of the 10 – there is a dot at 9 o’clock. The second spiral is connected to the frame on the left. 3rd branch of the central bush is extended. 1st heart is open at the top. The 8th leaf is wider open at the top. The 10th leaf is open left and right of the bottom. The right branch has a white spot between the branch and the bush. The frame is broken between O and V of SLOVENSKÁ. The frame is broken above N of SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 22
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example.
Value €: 1,65
II-VI Two colored lines on the largest left linden leaf.
Field №: 35
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-VII White spot on the letter Á in SLOVENSKÁ, a colored dot next to the bottom left corner.
Field №: 38
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-VIII The white spot above the small bush.
Field №: 47
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-IX The white dot between the letters O and Š in POŠTA, a white circle on the left branch.
Field №: 49
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-X Six leaves on the left, a white circle above the large bush.
Field №: 51
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XI The white spot above the top middle linden leaf on the left.
Field №: 55
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XII 1. Gap in the frame before P of POŠTA,
2. gap in the frame above T of POŠTA,
3. comma on the left fork, towards the 5th spiral,
4. thickened L in SLOVENSKÁ,
5. O and V of SLOVENSKÁ are connected,
6. white dot left of left branch,
7. gap in the lower part of the 1st tower,
8. gap in the lower part of the 3rd tower,
9. white spot right of the right branch,
10. the white spot below the last branch of the right bush,
11. denomination oval is open at 8 o’clock and 9.30 o’clock,
12. (not visible) 3rd heart is open,
13. dot outside the northwest corner.
Field №: 56
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: present, but not mentioned:
1. colored line above frame, above P of POŠTA.
Another example.
Value €: 1,65
II-XIII The white spot above the top middle linden leaf on the left, an additional stroke on the letter K in ČESKO, and an incision at the top left of numeral 1.
Field №: 58
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XIV Letter K in ČESKO with a hook, an incision in the roof to the left.
Field №: 59
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XV 1. Colored dot next to the bottom left corner,
2. vertical scratch at the top of the denomination oval,
3. a white spot above the bush (next to the left branch),
4. dots on the frame on top of the northeast curvy line, and below the end of the denomination oval,
5. the northwest corner has a small gap.
Field №: 62
Other nomenclatures:

  • another example
  • colored line in the denomination oval occurs on plates I, II, and IV
Value €: 1,65
II-XVI The top right branch is broken.
Field №: 64
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XVII White spot on the right branch, top right ornament is broken.
Field №: 69
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XVIII The top left linden leaf is deformed.
Field №: 73
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XIX White dots on letter O in SLOVENSKÁ, colored dots on the neck of the left dove.
Field №: 75
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XX Colored dot on the left heart, the denomination oval broken at the top.
Field №: 80
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXI White spot in sun rays to the right from the left branch, a white dot between the large bush and the right dove’s head, denomination oval broken to the right.
Field №: 86
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXII Six linden leaves to the left, colored dot on the right frame, near the letter V in SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 88
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXIII Damaged frame above letters Č and E in ČESKO, white spot between the first two towers.
Field №: 91
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXIV The white dot on the inner side of the zero.
Field №: 94
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXV The white dot on the letter L in SLOVENSKÁ, white dot on top of the numeral 1.
Field №: 96
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXVI Letter L in SLOVENSKÁ connected to the right frame.
Field №: 98
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXVII Line between sun and castle – above this point, frame is broken (under T and A of POŠTA), S of SLOVENSKÁ is thickened in the middle, S and O of SLOVENSKÁ are connected to the line underneath, dot in N of SLOVENSKÁ, dot between 7th and 8th branch of shrub, white spot in 7th spiral, southeast corner is extended, frame broken underneath right dove, 1st and 4th hearts are broken, dot above 6th wave, line under 1st shrub is open, frame line on top of left dove has a hook.
Field №: 65
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXVIII Small spot in A of POŠTA, the 9th branch of the shrub is open, the 1st heart has a dot towards the bottom line, the right side of the 3rd heart is open, the 4th heart is on a solid foot, the left branch of the left leaf is broken.
Field №: 85
Other nomenclatures:

  • Not mentioned, so maybe optional: white line above T of POŠTA.
  • For this position, there are common flaws on plate I, II and III: spot on the frame between L and O of SLOVENSKÁ; Common flaws on I and II only: the 0 in the value frame, is thickened at the 5 o’clock position.
Value €: 1,65
II-XXIX 1. Frame is curved inwards above KO of ČESKO towards the top,
2. dot on the frame above Č of ČESKO,
3. white spot below the left branch,
4. The denomination oval is broken at 12:30 o’clock,
5. 1 of denomination value has a colored dot just above the foot (left),
6. dot below the frame, under the 1 of the denomination,
7. dot below the frame, under the foot of the right dove,
8. The southeast corner is extended outwards.
Field №: 6
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXX 1. Extra spots outside the northwest corner (occurs in more positions),
2. the sun is thickened at 2 o’clock,
3. there is a dot above the 6th tower,
4. between the L and O of SLOVENSKÁ the frame has a gap,
5. the last branch of the right bush is extended,
6. there is a white round spot outside the lower part of the left main branch,
7. a colored spot in the chest of the right pigeon.
Field №: 32
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
II-XXXI When it comes to plate flaws, the stamp in this position, is cursed (or blessed) with flaws.
1. The left outer frame is broken above the K in ČESKO.
2. The left outer frame is broken several times next to the top spiral.
3. Right of the central sunbeam, in the middle between the S and T of POŠTA, there is an extra dot.
4. The large branch on the right, is open in the inner part.
5. There is a dot (not visible due to the cancel) above the E in SLOVENSKÁ.
6. In the second heart, you can see a spot in the lower left part of the outline.
7. The denomination oval is broken above the 0.
8. Details are missing in the 6th, 7th branches of the large bush (see detail).
9. Details are missing in the 9th branch of the large bush (see detail).
10. The outer frame is broken between the A and the 7th spiral.
Field №: 3
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: not mentioned, so maybe optional:
1. The frame is broken above the O in POŠTA.
2. Thickened southwest corner.
3. 1st heart is open to the left.
4. Extended southeast corner.
5. Dot/line below the southeast corner.
6. Line to the right of the northeast corner (only visible with large margins),
probably visible on position II.4 too.
Value €: 1,65
II-XXXII This position has a huge amount of flaws:
1. Outside the northwest corner, is a dot.
2. On the northeast corner is a dot.
3. Outside the southwest corner is a dot.
4. Behind the A of POŠTA, there is a dot and a break on the frame.
5. The frame is thickened behind the O of ČESKO.
6. A white spot on the inner line of the S in ČESKO.
7. The sun is thickened at the 2 o’clock position.
8. There is a white dot between the last branches of the large bush.
9. After the 1st heart, there is a dot on the frame border.
10. After the name MUCHA, there is a dot connected to the frame border.
Field №: 37
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: not mentioned, so maybe optional:
A white spot between S and T of POŠTA.
Value €: 1,65
II-XXXIII This position is easy to recognize, due to the two spots in the denomination oval, one at 10 o’clock, and one at 8 o’clock.

1. two small dots in front of MUCHA
2. the 3rd leaf is open at the left
3. the northwest corner of the frame is extended
4. there is a color spot in the lower part of the S in POŠTA
5. in the 8th leaf, there is a color spot on the right
6. Right of the right branch, there are two dots

Field №: 23
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: Not mentioned, but present:
1. the frame is open at the highest point of the curvy line on the right-top
2. there is a color spot below the left bush
3. on top of the denomination oval, there is a color dot, and above it, a white spot
4. the tail of the right pigeon is broken
Value €: 1,65
II-XXXIV Two easily recognizable flaws on this stamp, are :
The denomination oval is broken twice, once at 10:30 and once at 5:00 o’clock, second large flaw, is the spot on the 2nd S of SLOVENSKÁ. If the stamp has a wide border frame, the southwest corner has a circle segment.
Also mentioned :
– 3rd leaf is open at the top
– The wavy line under the main picture, has several white spots at the bottom, especially between waves 6/7, 7/8, and 8/9
– border corners northeast and southeast are extended
– spots on the frame above 1st S of SLOVENSKÁ and between L and O of SLOVENSKÁ
– with spot below C of CESKO (not visible due to cancellation)
Field №: 46
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
III-I 1. White dot between letters K and Á in SLOVENSKÁ,
2. white spot below the right branch,
3. an additional white spot in the dark area between the bush and the K of SLOVENSKÁ (only on plates I and III),
4. the frame is extended above the S of ČESKO (only in plate II and III),
5. the 4th heart is open to the right (only in plate III).
Field №: 38
Other nomenclatures:

  • flaw 1 (white dot between letters K and Á in SLOVENSKÁ) occurs on plates I, II, III, and IV,
  • another example.
Value €: 1,65
III-II Big colored smudge on the bottom right frame, below the dove and the heart.
Field №: 70
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
III-III White spot on the right branch.
Field №: 94
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
III-IV Lines above the 1st and 2nd tower.
Field №: 52
Other nomenclatures:

  • All stamps on position 52 have a white gap in 0 of the 10. This small gap can be found at the 7 o’clock position.
  • Most of the stamps of plate III and IV, have a broken line in the right branch. (not all).
  • Not mentioned, so maybe optional: There is a very clear white spot between the 4th and the 5th leaf. Although some positions have a white spot around the 4th and 5th leaf, this white spot is different than the described ones.
Value €: 1,65
III-V Small dots on the border frame: between the E and S of ČESKO, just before the 3rd spiral, on the N of SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 30
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: common for position 30 on the III’rd and IV’th plate, is a spot on the main light ray, central in the image.
Value €: 1,65
III-VI White spot below the linden leaf below letter P in POŠTA. Short horizontal line at the top of right dove’s tail. Thickening on the bottom frame.
Field №: 88
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
III-VII 1. Above the 4th spiral, the frame is thickened.
2. Before the 6th spiral, the frame is thickened.
3. There is a very specific structure of lines in front of the 1st tower.
4. The frame has a large dot, above the V of SLOVENSKÁ.
Field №: 29
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 1st heart is open to the right.
Value €: 1,65
IV-I Letter P in POŠTA connected to the top frame by a white line.
Field №: 59
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-II White dot between the large bush and the right dove.
Field №: 63
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-III Big white dot below the large bush.
Field №: 69
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-IV Big white dot on the first two towers on the left.
Field №: 91
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-V 1. The Č of ČESKO is thickened. Small gap in the sun at 10.30 o’clock. Sun stops at +/- 3 o’clock. Bottom corners have a gap, both on left as on right side. Small gap on frame line, below 1 of the value.
Field №: 12
Other nomenclatures:

  • For all plates: white spot between 4th and 5th leaf.
  • For plates III and IV: right branch is broken.
  • (displayed stamp has no gap in the 3rd heart (as mentioned in the catalog) but there’s a gap in the 4th heart which not mentioned).
  • Also not mentioned, so maybe optional, is both corners in the top are extended.
Value €: 1,65
IV-VI 1. Frame is broken between S and K of ČESKO,
2. frame has a dot above S of POŠTA,
3. double (or thick) sunbeam below S in POŠTA, ends with a dot,
4. sun is missing last part (from 3 o’clock downwards),
5. inner part of right branch is incomplete at the top, before it reaches the end.
Field №: 13
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-VII Drawing in the area in front of the 1st tower (detail 1, detail 2.)
Field №: 100
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-VIII 1. The sun is broken at the 3 o’clock position.
2. The denomination oval is broken at the top, in front of the 0.
3. The line under the 1st bush is broken.
4. The branches right of the right large branch are interrupted.
5. The 4th heart is open to the left, and connected to the white border frame.
Field №: 96
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-IX The key flaws of this position are:
1. Break in Č of ČESKO
2. Sunray left of 1st tower is a full line, thickened in the middle
3. The sun stops at 2:30 o’clock
4. 8th and 9th leaf are open
Field №: 5
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-X 1. In this position, we see no central sunbeam.
2. The sun is only visible partly
3. There is a spot in the denomination oval, at 5 o’clock also visible, but not mentioned:
4. The upper part of the P in POŠTA has a color spot
Field №: 14
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-XI Three major flaws in this position:
1. White bush has a dot below the 1st branch
2. 1st heart is open to the right
3. Denomination oval is interrupted at 12:30 o’clock. Furthermore:
1. The sun is open at the beginning and the end
2. sunray missing right of the right main branch
3. The smaller sunray is broken and not connected to the right branch
Field №: 84
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-XII This position is very similar to plate III, pos. 52

First of all, the gap in the 0 of the 10, is typical for all ’52’ positions (4 plates).
The gap on the right side of the right branch is also there on plate III,
Even the break in the sun (although not mentioned on the 3rd plate), occurs on plates III and IV.

The sun beams above the 1st and 2nd towers are different on plates III and IV.
On plate III, the line just above the towers continues as one full line, but on plate IV, this line is broken into two parts (see detail)

Field №: 52
Other nomenclatures:
Value €: 1,65
IV-XIII The frame under the left bush is open in the middle.
The sun beams under the O of POŠTA look like a “: ”
Under the Š of POŠTA, the sunbeam looks like ” ♭ ”
The sun is open from the 3 o’clock position.
Field №: 30
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example
Value €: 1,65



  1. Zdeněk Kvasnička, dr. František Kubát: Monografie Češkoslovenských Známek, Díl I. – Popřevratová doba, Prague 1968.