Czechoslovakia – Pošta Československá 1919
The validity of the Austrian and Hungarian stamps on the territory of the Czechoslovak Republic ended on 28 February 1919. From 1 March 1919, only Czechoslovak stamps were to be used.
Austrian and Hungarian stamps could be exchanged into Czechoslovak stamps in post offices until 15 March 1919. The remaining stock of these stamps was diverted to the central postal depot in Prague.
Austrian and Hungarian stamps were then handed over to the A. Hass printing house in Prague, where they were overprinted with inscription POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1919 in three rows.
Overprinted stamps were sold only at the philatelic bureau of the post office in Prague and at the central postal depot in Prague. The stamps were sold with 50% surcharge to the nominal value in larger or smaller sets, some values only individually while others also in full panes. Some values were printed in ridiculously low quantities and were not even available to the public, but found their way into the hands of top officials.
Overprinted stamps were a valid means of payment at their original nominal value for domestic shipments only The validity date was set to until 31 December 1919 and was later extended to 31 January 1920.
Overprinted stamps were available for collectors even after the expiration date. Some values with higher denominations even for several years. The sales finally stopped in April 1928.
Due to the speculative character of this issue, dubious sales practices and the overall lack of transparency, the overprinted stamps were not popular among contemporary collectors.
Overprints and circulations
Overprint A
Austrian stamps:
- 1916: Austrian Crown,
- 1916/18: Coat of Arms,
- 1917/18: Emperor Karl I.
Austrian crown
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
3 h., bright violet |
145 |
185 |
465.000 |
5 h., light green |
146 |
186 |
860.000 |
6 h., deep orange (blue overprint) |
147 |
187 |
200.000 |
6 h., deep orange (black overprint) |
500 |
10 h., magenta |
148 |
188 |
130.000 |
12 h., light blue |
149 |
189 |
170.000 |
Coat of arms
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
40 h., olive green |
154 |
194 |
570.000 |
50 h., blue green |
155 |
195 |
790.000 |
60 h., light blue |
156 |
196 |
950.000 |
60 h., deep blue |
156 |
196 |
80 h., orange brown |
157 |
197 |
1.520.000 |
90 h., red violet |
158 |
198 |
438.000 |
1 k., carmine (blue overprint) |
159 |
199 |
835.000 |
1 k., carmine (black overprint) |
159 |
199 |
1.300 |
Coat of arms, engraved
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 k., dark blue |
160 |
200 |
78 |
2 k., light blue |
164 |
204 |
197.000 |
2 k., light blue, granite paper |
172 |
208 |
90.000 |
3 k., claret |
161 |
201 |
175 |
3 k., carmine rose |
165 |
205 |
5.000 |
3 k., carmine rose, granite paper |
173 |
209 |
40.000 |
4 k., deep green |
162 |
202 |
3.000 |
4 k., yellow green |
166 |
206 |
70.000 |
4 k., yellow green, granite paper |
174 |
210 |
8 – 12 |
10 k., deep violet |
163 |
203 |
540 |
10 k., violet |
167 |
207 |
1.175 |
10 k., violet, granite paper |
175 |
211 |
12 to 14 |
Emperor Karl I.
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
15 k., dull red |
168 |
221 |
2.260.000 |
20 k., green |
169a |
222a |
1.600 |
20 k., dark green |
169 |
222b |
1.650.000 |
25 k., blue |
170 |
223 |
440.000 |
30 k., dull violet |
171 |
224 |
540.000 |
Type I:
- diacritical sign on letter Š in POŠTA regular,
- year mark shifted to the right.
Type Ia:
- like Type I,
- the second numeral 9 in 1919 rounded at the bottom.
Type II:
- diacritical sign on letter Š in POŠTA detached,
- year mark shifted to the left.
Type IIa:
- like Type II,
- the second numeral 9 in 1919 rounded at the bottom.
Overprint B
Austrian stamps:
- 1918: air post stamps,
- 1916/17: postage dues (definitive issue surcharged),
- 1916: triangular special handling stamps.
Air post stamps
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1.50 k. on 2 k., lilac |
C1 |
225 |
750 |
3.50 k. on 3 k., ocher |
C2 |
226 |
850 |
4 k., gray |
C3 |
227 |
495 |
1916: triangular special handling stamps
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 h., claret |
QE1 |
217 |
16.000 |
5 h., green |
QE2 |
218 |
170 |
1916/17: postage dues (definitive issue surcharged)
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1 h., gray |
J47 |
58 |
7.000 |
15 h. on 2 h., violet |
J48 |
59 |
920 |
10 h. on 24 h., blue |
J60 |
60 |
1.250 |
15 h. on 36 h., violet |
J61 |
61 |
147.000 |
20 h. on 54 h., orange |
J62 |
62 |
1.700 |
50 h. on 42 h., chocolate |
J63 |
63 |
395.000 |
Group A |
Type AI:
- indentation at the bottom of the horizontal stroke of letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- indentation at top of the third letter S in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- letter T in POŠTA above letter O in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Type AII:
- middle horizontal line in letter E in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ longer,
- white area in letter Á in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ small,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Type AIII:
- white area in letter Á in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ large,
- year mark 1919 shifted to the left,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Group B |
Type BI:
- indentation at the bottom of the horizontal stroke of letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- indentation at top of the third letter S in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Type BII:
- indentation at the bottom of the horizontal stroke of letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- the third letter S in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ complete,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Group C |
Type CI:
- large, v-shaped diacritical sign on letter Č in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Type CII:
- small, dot-like diacritical sign on letter Č in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- letter T in POŠTA above letters O and V in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ.
Overprint C
Austrian stamps:
- special handling stamps (1917).
Denomination |
Perforations |
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 h., claret (blue overprint) |
12½:11½ |
QE3 |
219 |
579.000 |
2 h., claret (black overprint) |
1.100 |
5 h., deep green (blue overprint) |
12½:11½ |
QE4 |
220 |
350.000 |
5 h., deep green (black overprint) |
Hungarian stamps:
- Parliament Building at Budapest (1917).
Denomination |
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
50 fil., red violet and lilac |
119 |
200 |
91.500 |
75 fil., bright blue and pale blue |
120 |
201 |
149.300 |
80 fil., green and pale green |
121 |
202 |
106.800 |
1 k., red brown and claret |
122 |
203 |
89.500 |
2 k., olive brown and bister |
123 |
204 |
45.000 |
3 k., dark violet and indigo |
124 |
205 |
9.200 |
5 k., dark brown and light brown |
125 |
206 |
2.600 |
10 k., violet brown and violet |
126 |
207 |
164 |
Type I:
- diacritical sign on letter Š in POŠTA regular,
- distance between top vertical lines on letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ wide.
Type II:
- diacritical sign on letter Š in POŠTA regular,
- distance between top vertical lines on letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ narrow,
- the second letter S in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ cut off on top.
Type III:
- diacritical sign on letter Š in POŠTA detached,
- distance between top vertical lines on letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ narrow.
Overprint D
Austrian stamps:
- 10 h. newspaper stamp (1908/10),
- newspaper stamps (1916),
- postage dues, heller values (1908/13),
- postage dues, heller values (1916),
Newspaper stamps
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
10 h., carmine (three different paper types) |
P17 |
159 |
125 |
2 h., brown |
P19 |
212 |
1.216.000 |
4 h., green |
P20 |
213 |
175.800 |
6 h., dark blue |
P21 |
214 |
185.600 |
10 h., orange |
P22 |
215 |
50.800 |
30 h., claret |
P23 |
216 |
82.800 |
Postage dues 1908/13 (three different paper types)
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 h., carmine |
J35 |
35 |
30 |
4 h., carmine |
J36 |
36 |
6.000 |
6 h., carmine |
J37 |
37 |
18.000 |
14 h., carmine |
J39 |
39 |
2.100 |
25 h., carmine |
J41 |
41 |
5.900 |
30 h., carmine |
J42 |
42 |
180 |
50 h., carmine |
J43 |
43 |
150 |
Postage dues 1916
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
5 h., carmine |
J49 |
47 |
324.000 |
10 h., carmine |
J50 |
48 |
202.000 |
15 h., carmine |
J51 |
49 |
285.000 |
20 h., carmine |
J52 |
50 |
51.000 |
25 h., carmine |
J53 |
51 |
75.000 |
30 h., carmine |
J54 |
52 |
132.000 |
40 h., carmine |
J55 |
53 |
52.700 |
50 h., carmine |
J56 |
54 |
450 |
Type I:
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 3,1 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,7 mm.
Type II:
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,7 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 3,0 mm.
Type III:
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,8 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,8 mm.
Overprint E
Austrian stamps:
- postage dues, krone values (1916),
Newspaper stamps
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1 k., ultramarine |
J57 |
55 |
25.600 |
5 k., ultramarine |
J58 |
56 |
11.000 |
10 k., ultramarine |
J59 |
57 |
780 |
Type I:
- distance between top vertical lines on letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ narrow.
Type II:
- distance between top vertical lines on letter K in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ wide.
Overprint F
Hungarian stamps:
- Turul (1908/16),
- war stamps (1916/17),
- Harvesting: white numerals (1916),
- Harvesting: colored numerals (1917/18),
- Harvesting: colored numerals, inscription MAGYAR POSTA (1919),
- Emperor Karl I, Empress Zita (1918),
- special delivery stamp (1916),
- newspaper stamp (1908/13),

Wmk. 6 |

Wmk. 7 vet. |

Wmk. 7 hor. |
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1 f., slate gray (Wmk.: 6, 7) |
67, 84 |
91y, 109 |
150 |
2 f., olive yellow (Wmk.: 6, 7) |
68, 85 |
92y, 110 |
26.000 |
3 f., orange |
69, 86 |
111 |
3.700 |
6 f., olive green (Wmk.: 6, 7) |
71, 88 |
95y, 113 |
30.600 |
50 f., lake (blue paper) |
79, 96 |
121 |
71.000 |
60 f., olive green (rose paper) |
98 |
123 |
4.300 |
70 f., red brown (green underprint) |
99 |
181 |
80 |
War stamps
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
10 f. + 2 f., rose red |
B53 |
183 |
72.800 |
15 f. + 2 f., dull violet |
B54 |
184 |
49.000 |
40 f. + 2 f., brown carmine |
B55 |
185 |
28.600 |
Harvesting: white numerals
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
10 f. rose |
106 |
186 |
300 |
15 f. violet |
107 |
187 |
950 |
Harvesting: colored numerals
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 f. brown orange |
108 |
190 |
675.000 |
3 f. red lilac |
109 |
191 |
304.000 |
5 f. green |
110 |
192 |
521.000 |
6 f. greenish blue |
111 |
193 |
75.000 |
10 f. rose red |
112 |
194 |
23.000 |
15 f. violet |
113 |
195 |
350.000 |
20 f. gray brown |
114 |
196 |
26.000 |
25 f. dull blue |
116 |
197 |
64.800 |
35 f. brown |
117 |
198 |
30.500 |
40 f. olive green |
118 |
199 |
53.500 |
Harvesting: colored numerals, inscription MAGYAR POSTA
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
10 f. rose red |
179 |
246 |
34.800 |
20 f. brown |
181 |
248 |
100 |
Karl I. and Zita
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
10 f. scarlet |
127 |
213 |
285.000 |
20 f. dark brown |
129 |
215 |
320.000 |
25 f. bright blue |
130 |
216 |
85.000 |
40 f. olive green |
131 |
217 |
36.000 |
50 f. lilac |
132 |
218 |
9.300 |
Special delivery stamp
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 f. olive green and red |
SD1 |
180 |
98.000 |
Newspaper stamp
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
2 f. orange |
P8 |
127 |
141.800 |
Type I:
- letter T in POŠTA and the second numeral 9 in 1919 horizontally aligned,
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 3,1 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,7 mm.
Type II:
- 1919 shifted to the left,
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,9 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,9 mm.
Type III:
- 1919 shifted to the left,
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,7 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 3,1 mm.
Type IV:
- letter T in POŠTA and the second numeral 9 in 1919 horizontally aligned,
- the second numeral 9 in 1919 rounded at bottom.
Overprint G
Hungarian stamps:
- Postage dues 1903/14 (black numerals),
- Postage dues 1915/18 (red numerals),

Wmk. 4 |

Wmk. 6 |

Wmk. 7 vert. |

Wmk. 7 hor |
Postage dues 1903/14 (black numerals)
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1 f., green and black (Wmk.: 4, 7) |
J10, J19 |
18, 26 |
75 |
2 f., green and black (Wmk.: 3, 4, 6, 7) |
J2, J11, J11b, J20 |
2, 10, 19, 27 |
110 |
5 f., green and black (Wmk.: 6, 7) |
J12a, J21 |
20, 32 |
130 |
12 f., green and black (Wmk.: 3, 4, 6, 7) |
J6, J15, J15a, J24 |
6, 14, 23, 31 |
170 |
50 f., green and black (Wmk.: 3, 4, 6, 7) |
J8, J17, J17a, J26 |
8, 16, 25, 33 |
300 |
Postage dues 1915/18 (red numerals)
Scott# |
Michel# |
Circulation |
1 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J28 |
36 |
900 |
2 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J29 |
37 |
79.100 |
5 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J30 |
38 |
12.000 |
6 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J31 |
39 |
25.500 |
10 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J32 |
40 |
97.300 |
12 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J33 |
41 |
24.900 |
15 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J34 |
42 |
16.600 |
20 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J35 |
43 |
71.400 |
30 f., green and red (Wmk. 7) |
J36 |
44 |
7.600 |
Type I:
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 3,1 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,7 mm.
Type II:
- thin line over letter O in ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ,
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,9 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 2,9 mm,
- 1919 shifted to the right.
Type III:
- distance between POŠTA and ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ: 2,8 mm,
- distance between ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ and 1919: 3 mm.
Type IV:
- the second numeral 9 in 1919 rounded at bottom.
- Jan Karásek, Antonin Michele, Bohuslav Svoboda: Monografie Češkoslovenských Známek, Díl II. – Legionářské 1919 – hospodářstvi a věda 1923, Prague 1971.
- Michel Osteuropa 2005/2006, Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-87858-684-1