Varieties and Types of Postage Stamps of the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia
The Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom was a constituent land (crown land) of the Austrian Empire until 1866. The separate issue for this crown land was needed as it used different currency:
- 100 centesimi = 1 lira,
- 100 soldi = 1 florin (from 1.11.1858).
Stamps for Lombardy-Venetia were printed at the same time and in the same techniques and papers as the corresponding Austrian issues. See also the section of the Austrian Empire.
The Definitive Issue of 1850/54: Austrian Imperial Coat of Arms
Stamps were printed in printing sheets of 240 stamps which were then divided into 4 sheets, each having 60 stamps (8X8, 4 fields are St. Andrew crosses). Two types of paper were used. Stamps were first printed on a rough hand-made paper of uneven thickness with watermark in script letters K.K.H.M. (Kaiserlich Königliches Handels-Ministerium). The only 16-20 stamps out of 240 on a printing sheet are watermarked. From 1854 a smooth, thick machine paper without watermarks was used.

10 centesimi: Type I

15 centesimi: Types II and III

30 centesimi: Type II

45 centesimi: Types I and III
A. 10 centesimi:
Type I:
- the lowest horizontal line in the second letter E in CENTES. broken,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line, only in cases of clear print this line appears to be split in two.
Type II:
- the letter E not broken anymore,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of two lines.
15 centesimi:
Type I:
- both numerals in denomination are of equal height,
- inscriptions on top are damaged: the second letter K in KKPOST is broken and the first letter E in STEMPEL has short horizontal stroke on the bottom,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line.
Type II:
- numeral 5 in denomination is standing higher than the numeral 1,
- numeral 5 in denomination is enclosed on the left side,
- inscriptions on top are complete, without damage,
- the second letter E in CENTES. is broken (just like Type I of 10 centesimi stamp),
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line.
Type III:
- numeral 5 in denomination is standing higher than the numeral 1,
- numeral 5 in denomination is not enclosed,
- the second letter E in CENTES. not broken anymore,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of two lines.
30 centesimi:
Type I:
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line.
Type II:
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of two lines.
Type I:
- number 45 is positioned lower than the inscription CENTES., the distances between the upper line and individual numbers in denomination varies,
- the distance between the numeral 5 and the letter C in CENTES. is between 0.2 and 0.7 mm,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line.
Type II:
- the number 45 is at the same height as the inscription CENTES.,
- the distance between 5 and C is 0.6 mm,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of one thick line.
Type III:
- the same as Type II,
- the lower outline of the coat of arms consists of two lines.
The Definitive Issue of 1858/62: Emperor Francis Joseph I facing to the left
Stamps were printed in letterpress with embossed profile of the Emperor. There were 240 stamps on a printing sheet, which were later divided into 4 sheets, each having 60 stamps (8X8, 4 fields with St. Andrew Crosses). Perforation comb 14½.

2 soldi: Type I

3 soldi: the first stamp with error

5 soldi: Types I and II
Types of stamps of these issues are the same as in the Austrian Empire. Click here to access the page.
Types for 3 to 15 soldi stamps:
- Type I: the loop of the wreath at the back of the head is thin and broken.
- Type II: the loop of the wreath is thick and enclosed.
Types for 2 soldi stamp:
- Type I: foot of the numeral 2 thinning to the right, colored spot below letter O in SOLDI.
- Type II: curved foot of the numeral 2 of uniform thickness, without the spot below letter O.
As in the corresponding issue of the Austrian Empire, here too, there are errors in embossing. An example is shown on 3 soldi stamp.
- ANK “Austria” Netto – Katalog, 42. Auflage 1987/88, ASCAT
- Michel Österreich-Spezial 2011, Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH, ISBN-13: 978-3878585923