Istria and Slovene Littoral: Types and Varieties of Postage Due Stamps
Postage due stamps in Zone B were used:
- to collect the fee due from the recipient after the sender had failed to prepay postage,
- as “Franco Provisionals” by certain offices due to the lack of regular stamps,
- to pay services associated with delivery of parcels: an advice to the recipient that the post office is holding a parcel for his collection and charges for storing the parcel if the recipient failed to collect within specified time,
- to collect postage fees for unfranked mail sent at recipient’s expense in case of official mail originating from Zone A or Italy.
The First Postage Due Issue
The 2nd type of the basic
0.25 lit stamp. |
The first issue of postage due stamps was released on 31 December 1945. Stamps of the Ljubljana print definitive issue for Slovene littoral were overprinted in letterpress in black color with metallic shine. Sheets consisted of 100 stamps. In the overprinting form there were 25 elements, which meant that each sheet went through the press 4 times. Types and varieties on the sheet appear in pattern of X+5, X+50, X+55.
In Ljubljana issue there were 2 types of 0.25 lira stamp. The second type has an incision in the colored field below the first letter T in LITTORALE.

Types I and II of 8 lira stamp |
More examples:
Type I:
0.25 lira
4 liraType II:
0.25 lira
4 lira |
Type I:
Type II:
- canceling block split vertically.
Field number |
I |
The upper right corner of the canceling block damaged. |
15, 20, 65, 70 |
II |
Damaged letter t in Lit. |
1, 6, 51, 56 |
Letter R in PORTO damaged on top. |
14, 19, 64, 69 |
IV |
The upper serif on letter L in Lit. damaged. |
33, 38, 83, 88 |
V |
Minor indentation at the top of the first letter O in PORTO. |
? |
4 lira |
Field number |
I |
- Minor incision on the vertical stroke of letter R in PORTO,
- damaged letter t in Lit (like the common flaw II).
15, 20, 65, 70 |
20 lira |
Field number |
I |
Zero in 20 thin on top. |
25, 30, 75, 80 |
II |
Two holes in numeral 2 and one hole in letter R in PORTO. |
43, 48, 93, 98 |
4 lire |
1 |
Letter P in PORTO enclosed. |
8 lire |
1 |
Dot on letter i in Lit. slightly damaged. |
10 lire |
1 |
Letter O in PORTO damaged at the bottom. |
20 lire |
1 |
Numeral 2 broken to the left. |
2 |
Numeral 2 damaged at the bottom. |
The Second Postage Due Issue
This issue is closely related to the first as it was ordered by the authority of the same document of the Directorate of Posts. In addenium of 11.2.1946 a further overprinting of Ljubljana issue stamps was ordered. This time 20 and 30 lira stamps were overprinted with new values of 0.50 and 2 lira.
Stamps were overprinted by letterpress process where the form consisted of 50 (5X10) elements, as the consequence each sheet was passed through the press twice. Varieties listed below therefore appear twice in a sheet in X+5 pattern. 22 February 1946
Types and subtypes of overprints
Linear and curved figure styles
on vertical pair. |
There are six different types of overprints existing on both values as a combination of two different figure styles (linear and curved numbers) and three different canceling blocks (solid, vertically split and horizontally split).
There are also subtypes that appear on both values:
- subtype 2: decimal dot in value denomination is converted from comma,
- subtype 3: dot after “Lit” is truncated comma,
- subtype 4: dot after “Lit” is square dot,
- subtype 5: dot after “Lit” in shape of a bow tie.
On 0.5 lira overprint there are two subtypes of zero in denomination. Larger zero subtype appears on both linear and curved number overprints.
Canceling block |
Number linear |
Number curved |
Solid |

2 lit: Type Ia, Subtype 5 |

0.50 lit: Type IIa, Subtype 4
2 lit: Type IIa, field 6 |
Split vertically |

0.50 lit: Type Ib
2 lit: Type Ib |

0.50 lit: Type IIb
2 lit: Type IIb |
Split horizontally |

2 lit: Type Ic, field 20 |

0.50 lit: Type IIc, Subtype 3 |
0.50 lit, Type IIa |
Field number |
I |
- minor incision in the canceling block at the bottom,
- white spot in the letter T in PORTO at the crossing of the horizontal and vertical line.
2, 7 |
II |
- the upper serif of letter L in Lit missing,
- dot after Lit small.
31, 36 |
- incision in letter R in PORTO,
- serifs of letter T in PORTO missing.
91, 96 |
IV |
Upright line in letter R damaged. |
1, 6 |
V |
Letter O in PORTO open on top. |
53, 58 |
2 lit, Type Ia |
Field number |
I |
- minor incision on top of the numeral 2,
- base of the numeral 2 damaged to the left,
- several black dots between letters L and i in Lit.
12, 17 |
II |
- canceling block damaged to the left,
- dot after 2 damaged to the right.
23, 28 |
The second letter O in PORTO open on top. |
53, 58 |
2 lit, Type Ib |
Field number |
I |
- minor incision in the base of numeral 2,
- vertical and horizontal lines in letter L in Lit separated.
73, 78 |
II |
The second letter O in PORTO open. |
55, 60 |
2 lit, Type Ic |
Field number |
I |
- horizontal canceling blocks misaligned,
- minor incision in letter L in Lit.
15, 20 |
2 lit, Type IIa |
Field number |
I |
Letter R in PORTO damaged. |
1, 6 |
1 |
Type Ia:
- dot after 2 thicker,
- dot on letter i in Lit thick and touching the vertical line.
2 |
Type IIa:
dot after 2 damaged to the right. |
The Third Postage Due Issue
The third issue was released on 25 March 1946. Zagreb production definitives were overprinted in letterpress with a form of 100 subjects. The printing of basic stamps was made using two cylinders.
Please note that 1 lira stamp with large rectangular-shaped decimal point belongs to the fourth issue.
Denomination number position |
Regular (0) |
Shifted to left (1) |
Shifted to right (2) |
1 lira |
2 lira |
4 lira |
Field number |
I |
Large letter r in Lira. |
68 |
II |
Letter a in Lira damaged at the bottom. |
32 |
Letter a in Lira thinned on top. |
38 |
IV |
7th and 8th square in canceling block damaged. |
22 |
1 lira |
Field number |
I |
Common flaw IV and distorted top serif of numeral 1. |
22 |
2 lira |
Field number |
I |
Lower left serif of numeral 2 short. |
1 |
II |
Right serif on numeral 2 missing. |
74, 92 |
4 lira |
Field number |
I |
Numeral 4 missing the right serif. |
95 |
2 Lira |
1 |
Right serif on numeral 2 damaged. |
4 Lira |
1 |
Decimal dot converted from comma. |
2 |
Base serif of numeral 4 distorted. |
3 |
Fourth square in canceling block damaged in the upper right area. |
The Fourth Postage Due Issue
There is a close connection between the third and the fourth issue of postage due stamps as they share the same order. Further printing of 1 lira stamp was ordered as well as overprinting of 30 lira stamp of Zagreb printing with values of 10, 20 and 30 lira. Overprinting was done at the same printing works using the same technique as in previous printing. Due to the mentioned connection between the two issues, the stamps of the third and the fourth printing are listed as one issue in most of the stamp catalogs.
The fourth printing merits the separate listing. In particular due to the 1 lira stamp which was printed in new plate setting and with uniform decimal sign of rectangular shape. Most of the subtypes and flaws are the same as in third printing but this time they appear on different positions in a sheet.
Letter P in PORTO |
Regular (I) |

Types I and II
Type II of fields: 2, 3, 4, 15, 22, 41, 46, 90, 92. |
Converted from R (II)
“Extended P” |
Denomination number position |
Regular (0) |
Shifted to left (1) |
Alignment of numeral 1 relative to the letter a in Lira. |
Field number |
I |
Thick letter r in Lira. |
10 |
II |
Letter a in Lira shifted upwards. |
4 |
Letter a in Lira shifted downwards,
second O in PORTO damaged to lower right. |
5 |
IV |
Double thick horizontal line, upper serif of numeral 1 distorted. |
12 |
V |
Damaged 1st and 5th squares in the overprint over the old denomination. |
13 |
VI |
Damaged letter a in Lira. |
30 |
Damaged first three squares in the overprint over the old denomination. |
47 |
Damaged letter a in Lira. |
70 |
IX |
Damaged first two squares in the overprint over the old denomination. |
92 |
X |
Broken number 1 in the new denomination. |
42 |
XI |
Damaged letter O in PORTO. |
28 |
Letter a in Lira with accent grave. |
48 |
The first letter O in PORTO damaged on top. |
6 |
Letter R in PORTO damaged on top. |
24 |
XV |
Incision at the top of the numeral 1 (stamp to the left). |
46 |
Distance between numeral 1 and O in PORTO shorter (stamp to the right). |
47 |
Small incision to the left of numeral 1. |
57 |
Decimal bar shifted downwards. |
59 |
Thin decimal bar (< 2 mm). |
61 |
XX |
Upper left corner of the letter R in PORTO damaged. |
63 |
Incision to the left of the first letter O in PORTO. |
77 |
The first letter O in PORTO damaged below. |
84 |
Short decimal bar (4 mm). |
90 |
9th and 10th square of the cancelling grid damaged (the Apostrophe Flaw). |
97 |
Field number |
I |
Incision to zero on upper right. |
51 |
II |
Impurities in inner oval of zero. |
64 |
Top row of canceling grid damaged. |
89 |
IV |
Incision to upper right side of zero. |
3 |
V |
Incision to lower part of the first letter O in PORTO.
- This variety is not mentioned in available literature, as it was found on all values it is listed under constant varieties.
- Weakly printed canceling grid is part-constant variety due to printing plate wear.
? |
VI |
Letter a in Lira damaged to base.
Note: in case of 20 lira stamp also broken numeral 2. |
70 |
Zero open on top. |
44 |
Letter a in Lira broken and central part of numeral 2 missing.
Note: this variety is not mentioned in literature, it is nevertheless listed here as mutiple examples were found. |
? |
10 lira |
Field number |
I |
Incision to upper part of numeral 1. |
46 |
20 lira |
Field number |
I |
Central part of numeral 2 missing.
Note: general flaw, letter a in Lira open at the bottom, appearing on 10, 20 and 30 lira values is also present on 70th feld. |
70 |
1 |
Weakly printed canceling grid.
Note: part-constant variety due to printing plate wear. |
2 |
Central part of numeral 2 missing. |
3 |
Canceling grid split vertically. |
4 |
Vertical part of numeral 1 damaged to the right. |
5 |
Underinking. |
6 |
Upper left part of letter R in PORTO damaged. |
7 |
Incision to the left side of the first letter O in PORTO. |
The Fifth Postage Due Issue
The day of release of this issue is disputed. In all leading catalogs the 7 September 1946 is noted as the date of issue, on the other hand the official documentation related to this issue states the 30 October 1946 as the date of release.
The stamps of the Zagreb issue of both cylinders were overprinted in letterpress with a plate of 50 subjects (5X10), which meant that each sheet passed through the press twice and that types/varieties appear in pattern X+5.
Types of overprints
Types of denominations of 1, 2 and 4 lira differ in the following characteristics:
- length of the inscription PORTO (marked with a capital letter): 15 mm (A) or 14 mm (B) long;
- canceling block (marked with a small letter): solid (a), vertically split (b) or horizontally split (c);
- figure style (marked with a roman numeral): linear (I), curved (II) or thin (III).
Linear and thin figure types differentiate between the two types of 10, 20 and 30 lira denomination stamps.
Subypes of overprints
Two subtypes were noted on stamps of 1, 2 and 4 lire:
- thinner and slightly longer decimal bar:
- solid canceling block: on fields 65, 70, 83, 88
- vertically split canceling block: on fields 12, 18,
- horizontally split canceling block: on fields 44, 49.
- thinner and slightly longer decimal bar, decimal bar after the denomination is truncated comma on fields 85, 90.
On denominations of 10, 20 and 30 lira, the following subtypes were recorded:
- decimal dot converted from comma: fields 25 and 30,
- thinner and smaller decimal bar: fields 45 and 50,
- small decimal dot: fields 52, 57, 82, 87.
TYPES AND SUBTYPES OF OVERPRINT – 1, 2 and 4 lira denomination stamps |
Length of “PORTO” |
Canceling block |
Number linear (I) |
Number curved (II)
(only 2 lira stamp) |
Number thin (III)
(only Ba) |
14 mm (B) |
Solid (a) |


1 lira:
top – type IBa subtype 1,
below – type IIIBa. |
Split vertically (b) |
Split horizontally (c) |
15 mm (A) |
Solid (a) |

Split vertically (b) |
Split horizontally (c) |

4 lira |
Field number |
I |
Decimal dot damaged to the left. |
25, 30 |
10 lira |
Field number |
I |
Letter R in PORTO damaged. |
43, 48 |
II |
Letter O in PORTO and the first canceling block damaged. |
43, 48 |
Minor incision in letter R in PORTO. |
94, 97 |
20 lira |
Field number |
I |
Letter T in PORTO and decimal dot damaged.
(Stamp on the top.) |
72, 77 |
II |
Subtype: small decimal dot.
(Stamp on the bottom.) |
82, 87 |
30 lira |
Field number |
I |
Letter T in PORTO and decimal dot damaged.
(Stamp on the top.) |
72, 77 |
2 lira |
1 |
Numeral 2 open on top. |
2 |
Base of the numeral 2 damaged. |
3 |
Letters P and R in PORTO damaged. |
4 lira |
1 |
Base of the numeral 4 short to the left. |
20 lira |
1 |
Letter T in PORTO damaged to the left. |
2 |
Letter R in PORTO split vertically in the middle. |
30 lira |
1 |
The second canceling block damaged on top. |
The Sixth Postage Due Issue
Stamps were printed in typography by State Printing Works (Državna markarnica) in Belgrade. Contemporary Yugoslav postage due stamp of 1 dinar was reprinted in blue green color and overprinted in letterpress Vojna Uprava / Jugoslavenske / Armije. Constant flaws on basic stamps appear on all values which suggests that only one plate was used for printing. Stamps were issued on 8 February 1947 in sheets of 100 (10X10).
Field number |
I |
White dot after R in F.N.R. |
4 |
II |
White dot in the upper right area. |
17 |
Upper right corner white (stamp to the left). |
28 |
IV |
Left inner frame damaged (stamp to the right). |
29 |
V |
Letter G in JUGOSLAVIJA touching the bottom frame. |
48 |
Types of overprints
The setting of overprints is consisted of 5 groups of approximately 20 stamps showing the same flaws. Therefore, each value has 5 types of overprints.
1 lira stamp |

Types I and II

Type III with progressive flaws, ST3, ST2 and ST1

Types IV and V |
Type I:
- letters o and j in Vojna damaged,
- words Uprava and Jugoslavenske aligned to the right,
- letters i and j in Armije damaged,
- fourth horizontal line in the right stack damaged.
Type II:
- letter e in Armije damaged,
- fourth horizontal line in the left stack thinner.
Type III:
- letter j in Vojna damaged to the left,
- letter n in Vojna damaged on top (progressive flaw resulting in 3 subtypes),
- letter v in Jugoslavenske damaged.
Type IV:
- letter o in Vojna damaged to lower right,
- letter g in Jugoslavenske damaged on top,
- bases of letters m and i in Armije angled.
Type V:
- second horizontal line in the left stack damaged to the left.
2 lira stamp |

Types I and II

Types III, IV and V |
Type I:
- letter v in Uprava damaged,
- letters r and e in Armije damaged,
- fifth horizontal line in the left stack thinner,
- top of letter L angled.
Type II:
- letters u, k and the second e in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- letter L damaged on top.
Type III:
- letter v in Uprava broken,
- letters g, o and n in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- sixth horizontal line in the right stack thinner.
Type IV:
- first letter a in Uprava damaged,
- letter a in Armije damaged,
- letter L damaged on top.
Type V:
- letters U and p in Uprava damaged.
6 lira stamp |

Types I, II, III, IV and V |
Type I:
- words Uprava and Jugoslavenske aligned to the right,
- black dot in letter n in Jugoslavenske,
- third horizontal line in the left stack damaged.
Type II:
- letter V in Vojna damaged at the bottom,
- letters g, k and e in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- minor incision in letter r in Armije.
Type III:
- minor incision in letter j in Vojna,
- letter a in Jugoslavenske damaged.
Type IV:
- letters a and e in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- letter r in Armije indented to the left.
Type V:
- letters V and j in Vojna damaged,
- letter r in Uprava damaged in the middle,
- fourth horizontal line in the left stack thinner.
10 lira stamp |

Types I and II

Types III and IV

Type V |
Type I:
- letter g in Jugoslavenske damaged to the upper right.
Type II:
- letter L thinned on top,
- 1 and 0 in denomination misaligned, zero slightly larger than 1.
Type III:
- letter a in Jugoslavenske damaged to the right.
Type IV:
- base of the letter r in Uprava damaged.
Type V:
- letter v in Uprava damaged,
- letters o and n in Jugoslavenske damaged on top.
30 lira stamp |

Types I and II

Type III

Types IV and V |
Type I:
- letters o and n in Vojna damaged,
- first letter a in Uprava damaged,
- letters Uprava and Jugoslavenske aligned to the right,
- letters r and j in Armija damaged,
- fourth horizontal line in the left stack damaged,
- letter L indented to the left,
- zero in denomination with three holes.
Type II:
- letter r in Uprava damaged,
- letters g and n in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- letter L rounded,
- third horizontal line in the riht stack damaged.
Type III:
- letter j in Vojna damaged,
- second letter a in Uprava damaged,
- letter g in Jugoslavenske damaged on top,
- letter r in Armije damaged on top,
- middle element and lower arc of numeral 3 angled,
- first horizontal line in the right stack damaged.
Type IV:
- minor incision in letter p in Uprava,
- top arc of letter a in Jugoslavenske damaged,
- dot on letter i in Armije halved,
- lower part of figure 0 in denomination damaged.
Type V:
- first letter s in Jugoslavenske damaged on top,
- second and fourth horizontal lines in the left stack thinner,
- wider distance between the third and the fourth horizontal line in the left stack.
- Katalog poštanskih maraka jugoslovenskih zemalja (1991), Jugomarka (Belgrade), YU ISSN 0351-4447
- Suhadolc, Peter: Neizdani znamki za Trst in Slovensko primorje z motivom stolnice SV. Justa. Nova Filatelija, year XIX, No. 1./2003., p. 7-9.
- Novaković, Damir (2009): Stamps and Postal History of Trieste, Pola, Fiume, Istria and Slovene Littoral under Yugoslav Military Administration 1945 – 1947. ISBN 978-0-9563535-0-4
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