Varieties of Postage Stamps of Italian-Occupied Slovenia

3 May 1941. Provisional issue. Yugoslav stamps overprinted with Co. Ci. in black color. Overprint in letterpress. Printed in panes of 100.

All denominations

Applied to stamps presented by individuals at postal counters.

Mechanical overprint.

Applied to the existing stock in the Postal Depot and post offices.

Complete hand-stamped set on a philatelically inspired envelope.

Stamps with the mechanical overprint on a philatelically inspired envelope.

All denominations of definitive issues and postage dues.
I A hole at the bottom left on the letter “C” in “Co.”
Field №: 53 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 0,25 din, 3 din, 8 din
Value €:
II The letter “o” in “Co.” interrupted on the right (looks like “Cc.”).
Field №: 90 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 16 din, 2 din, postage due
Value €:
III A hole on the left side of the letter “o” in “Co.”
Field №: 91 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example
Value €:
IVa Indentation in letter “C” in “Co.”
Field №: 92 (stage 1) Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example
Value €:
IVb Two indentations in the letter “C” in “Co.”
Field №: 92 (stage 2) Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 4 din
Value €:
V The letter “C” in “Co.” is broken at the bottom.
Field №: 93 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example
Value €:
VI Larger hole on the left side of the letter “o” in “Co.”
Field №: 94 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures: another example
Notes: (similar to III, field 91)
Value €:
VII The letter “C” in “Co.” is indented in the middle.
Field №: 98 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: another example
Value €:
VIII The letter “o” in “Co.” is chipped at the bottom right.
Field №: 100 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 16 din, 2 din, postage due
Value €:
IX The letter “o” in “Co.” is chipped on the right.
Field №: 52 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 3 din
Value €:
X The letter “C” in “Ci.” is broken at top.
Field №: 9 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
XI The letter “o” in “Co.” is damaged at top left.
Field №: 16 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
XII A large hole in letter “C” in “Ci.”
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 5 din
Value €:
XIII The letter “C” in “Ci.” is indented on the left.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 1 din
Value €:
XIV A large hole at the bottom of the letter “i” in “Ci.”
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
All denominations
1 Offsets.
2 Shifted overprint.
3 Inverted overprint.
Inverted overprints on the philatelically inspired envelope. Smudged handstamp overprint on a traveled letter.

3 May 1941. Provisional issue. Yugoslav stamps overprinted in black color R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni Occupati Lubiana. Overprint in letterpress in black color, with four rows of rhomboids over the country name. Printed in panes of 100.

0,25 din, 10 din, 15 din
Type I:
24 rhomboids
Type II:
25 rhomboids
Type III:
26 rhomboids
All denominations
I The letter “R” before “Commissariato” is vertically split and looks like “I” (“I. Commissariato”).
Field №: 1 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 1,50 din, 0,50 on 1,50 din, 1 din postage due
Value €:
II The first line in the overprint is shifted to the right, and the letter “o” in “Commissariato” is open at the top.
Field №: 39 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 30 din
Value €:
III The first “i” in “Commissariato” without the dot.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
IV The letter “C” in “Civile” is damaged at the top.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
1 Traces of an additional rhombus on the left. Postage stamp of the Italian occupation of Slovenia in 1941
1 Shifted overprint: vertically and horizontally. Shifted overprint Italy occupied province of Ljubljana (Lubiana) postage stamp

2 Shadow overprint “Co Ci”, the second overprint over it. R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni occupati Lubiana Back
3 Inverted overprint.
4 Double overprint.
5 Offsets.

10 May 1941. Provisional issue. Yugoslav stamps overprinted in black color R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni Occupati Lubiana. Overprint in letterpress in black color, this time with two horizontal lines over the country name. Printed in panes of 100.

1.50 din
All varieties that are present on the 3rd of May issue can also be found on this value. Above is the letter with the “I. Commissariato” flaw on the first stamp.

10 May 1941. Provisional issue. Yugoslav airmail stamps (regular and with a surcharge for Anti-Tuberculosis Lague) overprinted “R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni Occupati Lubiana” in black color. Overprint in letterpress. Printed in panes of 100.

I The letter “i” in “Sloveni” is missing.
Field №: 2 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 1 + 1 Anti-Tuberculosis League
Value €:
II The letter “C” in “Civile” is damaged at the top.
Field №: 8 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
III The dot on the second letter “i” in “Commissariato” missing.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
IV The letter “R” before “Commissariato” is vertically split and looks like “I” (“I. Commissariato”).
Field №: 77 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
I The letter “i” in “Sloveni” is missing.
Field №: 9 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
II The letter “C” in “Civile” is damaged at the top.
Field №: 31 Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Value €:
III The dot on the second letter “i” in “Commissariato” missing.
Field №: ? Pane: N/A
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: 2 + 2 Anti-Tuberculosis League
Value €:
All denominations
1 Offsets.
2 Inverted overprint.

26 June 1941. Complementary issue. Yugoslav stamps overprinted in black color R. Commissariato Civile Territori Sloveni occupati Lubiana additionally surcharged with a new value. Overprint in letterpress. Printed in panes of 100.

Both values
All varieties that are present on the 3rd of May issue can also be found on both values of the complementary issue. Above is a stamp with the “I. Commissariato” flaw with a shifted second overprint.
1 Gone through paper print. Offset of the second overprint - back Offset of the second overprint - back
2 The second overprint shifted. Offset of the second overprint - front
3 The first overprint is shifted.
4 The second overprint is inverted.
5 Double impression of the first overprint.
Check also the varieties on the basic stamps of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia:

On the letter on the right, there’s a 5.50 din stamp with the “Jugoelavija flaw.”




  1. Katalog poštanskih maraka jugoslovenskih zemalja (1991), Jugomarka (Belgrade). YU ISSN 0351-4447

Most of the images on this page were contributed by mag. Boštjan Petauer FRPSL.