Soviet Occupation of Germany: West Saxony
Ascending and descending stairs watermarks. |
28 September 1945. Definitive issue Numbers. Printed in letterpress in panes of 100 (10 x 10) on watermarked paper. The watermark ascending and descending stairs is typical for all West Saxony issues. Stamps were issued imperforate but in some postal areas they were later perforated in various perforation types.
Area |
Mügeln |
Roßwein |
Gaschwitz |
Holzhausen |
Kriebitzsch |
Perforation |
line 11½ |
line 11¼-11½ |
rouletting, lignes 10 |
rouletting lignes 16 |
line 11½ and rouletting lignes 16 |
rouletting lignes 10 and 16 |
rouletting lignes 10¼ |
rouletting lignes 9½ |
irregular “sewing machine” |
Value |
Watermark |
5 pf. |
asc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
desc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
6 pf. |
asc. |
x |
x |
x |
desc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
8 pf. |
asc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
desc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
12 pf. |
asc. |
x |
x |
x |
desc. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
8 pf., orange |
Field number |
118I |
White spot below the second letter N in PFENNIG and a scratch on the second letter E in DEUTSCHE. |
100 |
18 October 1945. Specimen exhibition. Printed in letterpress in panes of 100 (10 x 10) on watermarked paper.
6 pf., green |
Field number |
124IV |
Lower stroke of letter S in DEUTSCHE prolonged. |
2, 7, 55 |
124I |
Letter A instead of H in DEUTSCHE. |
57 |
9 November 1945 – February 1946. Second definitive issue Numbers. Printed in letterpress in panes of 100 (10 x 10) on watermarked paper. In general, stamps were printed on thin grayish paper, but in February 1946 values of 4, 20, 30 and 40 pfennig (all having watermark descending stairs) were printed on white chalk coated paper.
3 pf., brown |
1 |
Top inscription DEUTSCHE POST vertically misaligned, closer to top frame. |
15 pf., red brown |
1 |
White dots in numeral 5 missing. |
7 – 28 January 1946. Solidarity. Printed in letterpress in panes of 100 (10 x 10) on watermarked paper.
4 + 3 pf., slate |
Field number |
139II |
Letter P in POST short at the bottom. |
34, 39, 84, 89 |
5 + 3 pf., green |
Field number |
140III |
Letter E in DEUTSCHE deformed, letter U broken at the bottom. |
31, 36, 81, 86 |
8 + 4 pf., orange |
Field number |
142I |
Volksnor instead of Volksnot. |
34, 39, 84, 89 |
30 + 20 pf., olive green |
Field number |
I |
Letters t and ä in Volkssolidarität connected by a dot. |
45, 50, 95, 100 |
40 + 30 pf., red lilac |
Field number |
148I |
Loop of letter P in POST open on the left side. |
1, 6, 51, 56 |
148IV |
Dot below horizontal line of numeral 4, letter t in Volksnot bent downwards. |
34, 39, 84, 89 |
148VI |
Inner white frame of zero broken at bottom right side. |
1, 6, 31, 36, 51, 56, 81, 86 |
5 + 3 pf., green |
Field number |
140I |
Loop of letter P in POST open at the bottom. |
4 |
15 + 10 pf., red brown |
Field number |
145I |
Letter H in DEUTSCHE damaged to the left. |
17 |
12 February 1946. Definitive issue Coat of Arms and sights of Leipzig. Printed in letterpress in panes of 100 (10 x 10) on watermarked paper.
3 pf., brown |
Field number |
150I |
D in DEUTSCHE indented at the bottom. |
12, 17, 62, 67 |
4 pf., slate |
Field number |
151I |
Letter S in POST indented at the bottom, white line below broken. |
45, 50, 95, 100 |
5 pf., green |
Field number |
152I |
Vertical stroke of numeral 5 thicker. |
21, 26, 71, 76 |
152II |
Part of the wall of the building on the right missing. |
24, 29, 74, 79 |
6 pf., violet |
Field number |
153I |
Top of the roof left from the tower sloping. |
5, 10, 55, 60 |
153II |
Two white spots above letters C and H in DEUTSCHE. |
12, 17, 62, 67 |
8 pf., orange |
Field number |
154II |
A flag on the first tower from the left. |
45, 50, 95, 100 |
8 pf., orange |
1 |
Colored spots on the clouds right from the tower. |
8 – 20 May 1946. Leipzig fair. Printed letterpress in panes of 50 (10 x 5). All four values were printed on white watermarked paper (descending and ascending stairs) with regular gum. These stamps are either perforated comb 13¼ : 13 (8 May) or imperforate (20 May). Three values, 6 + 14, 12 + 18 and 24 + 26 pf. were also printed on grayish paper with economy gum.
6 + 14 pf., violet |
Field number |
162VII |
The fifth cloud line below the second S in MESSE broken. |
1, 6 |
12 – 18 pf., blue gray |
Field number |
163I |
Wide white scratch on the first market umbrella from the right. |
12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47 |
24 + 26 pf., orange brown |
Field number |
I |
The fifth cloud line below 9 in 1946 broken. |
2, 7 or 4, 7 (B) |
II |
Small dot above the 6th cloud line below the second E in MESSE, colored spot on the right fold of the second umbrella from the right. |
5, 10 |
Colored spot on the left side of the tower, left from the second window. |
23, 28 or 25, 28 (B) |
IV |
The second cloud line below year mark broken, colored spot on the right fold of the second umbrella from the right. |
15, 20 or 12, 20 (B) |
164I |
Colored spot on the facade above the first umbrella from the right. |
24, 29 or 21, 29 |
VI |
Colored spot on the right fold of the second umbrella from the right. |
25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 |
Line below the 3rd and the 4th window to the right from the tower broken. |
41, 46 or 43, 46 (B) |
84 + 66 pf., green |
Field number |
165IV |
Right fold of the first umbrella from the left broken twice. |
22, 27 (A, B) |
Note: on souvenir sheets are to be found the same plate flaws as on regular stamps. |
I |
- 6 + 14 pf.: The fifth cloud line below the second S in MESSE broken (I),
- 12 + 18 pf.: Wide white scratch on the first market umbrella from the right (I),
- 84 + 66 pf.: Right fold of the first umbrella from the left broken twice (I).
84 + 66 pf., green |
1 |
Indentation on top frame above the second letter E in MESSE. |
- Michel Deutschland-Spezial 2005, Band 2: Ab Mai 1945 (Alliierte Besetzung bis BRD), Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-87858-145-9