The two-vinar newspaper tax stamp of the Ljubljana print

Press Tiskarna Blaznikovi nasledniki in Ljubljana printed the 2 vinar newspaper tax stamps thrice. In the first and the second print, there were 2 sheets of 100 stamps in a layout of 10 × 10, and one sheet of 50 stamps in a layout of 10 × 5. The sheet consisted of 20 stamps in 10 x 2 layout in the second print. In the third print, there were 3 sheets of 2 vinar stamps, having 100 stamps in 10 x 10 layout and 4 sheets of 50 stamps in a layout of 10 × 5. Estimated circulation:

  • 27 May 1919: 750.000 stamps (on thin rough paper),
  • September-December 1919: 1.108.500 stamps (on thin rough paper),
  • January-December 1920: 2.125.000 stamps (on porous paper).

Print plates

The two vinar stamps were printed together with other denominations.

Reconstruction of the 1st print plate Reconstruction of the 2nd print plate Reconstruction of the 3rd print plate
2 vinar
I Colored or cross above the X in CXC.
Field №: 1,11,31 Pane: (5 x 10)
Other nomenclatures:
Notes: on porous paper
Value €:


  1. Fleck, Vladimir (1947): Priručnik Maraka Jugoslavenskih Zemalja, Book 1, Tome 6, Hrvatski Filatelistički Savez, Zagreb