A2853 Sea Coast |
Water-activated (US Scott #3775, #3864, #4348) |
- blue year date 2003
- plate number (B111)
- blue year date 2003
- with 3 or 5 digit back number
- black year date 2004
- plate number S1111
- black year date 2004
- with 4 or 5 digit back number
- black year date 2008
- plate number (S11111)
- black year date 2008
- with 3 digit back number
Self-Adhesive (US Scott #3693, #3785, #3785a, #3874, #3874a, #3875) |
- blue year date 2002
- prephosphored paper
- blue year date 2002
- prephosphored paper
- plate number (B111)
- blue year date 2003
- prephosphored paper
- with 5 digit back number
- black heavy (bold) year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- black heavy (bold) year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- plate number P1111
- black heavy (bold) year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- with 2, 3 or 4 digit back number
- black year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- nonphosph. or prephosphored paper
- blue year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- nonphosph. or
- prephosphored paper
- plate number (P2222)
- black year date 2003
- die cuts on all 4 sides
- nonphosph. or prephosphored paper
- with 2, 3 or 4 digit back number
- large year date 2003 (2,1 mm)
- two die cut depths: 0.5 and 0.75 mm
- large year date 2003 (2,1 mm)
- two die cut depths: 0.5 and 0.75
- plate number P2222
- large year date 2003 (2,1 mm)
- two die cut depths: 0.5 and 0.75
- with 2, 3 or 4 digit blue or black back number
- small year date 2003 (1,7 mm)
- die cut depth about 0.75 mm
- small year date 2003 (1,7 mm)
- die cut depth about 0.75 mm
- plate number (P3333, P4444, P5555, P6666, P7777, P8888, P9999)
- small year date 2003 (1,7 mm)
- die cut depth about 0.75 mm
- with 2, 3 or 4 digit blue or black back number
- year date 2004
- plate number S1111
- year date 2004
- with 5 digit black back number