Saxony: varieties of postage stamps

1851/55. King Friedrich August II.

1 Neu Grosch
Type I (1st run):

  • denomination numeral 1 in left and right ovals with curved top strokes. (Numerals were hand engraved and they slightly differ between stamps).

Type II:

  • the numbers in ovals with straight top stroke.
Type I Type II

1855/1863. King Johann I.

½ Neu Grosch
Type I:

  • numeral 2 in ½ normal.

Type II:

  • numeral 2 in ½ leaning slightly forward.
Type I Type II
1 Neu Grosch
Type I:

  • top strokes of numerals 1 short.

Type II (2nd row: fields 6-10):

  • top strokes of numerals 2 long.
Type I Type II



  1. Michel Deutschland-Spezial 2007, Band 1: 1849 bis April 1945. Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH, ISBN 978-3-87858-151-2